
Eloise's second chance
Could the alternate time line have been somehow engineered by Eloise for the sole purpose of having a second chance with Daniel? Could she have used Daniel's notebook and attempted some crazy physics to create the alternate world? Not sure how this ties into Jacob, etc., but I like the idea so

One of the main differences in the off-island universe seems to be the interaction between children and their fathers. It has often been mentioned that just about everyone on this show has daddy issues to some extent. And in many cases those issues have been driving factors in each character's life.

*Read that first sentence minus the 'was.'

Well, I didn't say his plan was has ever worked. But that seems to be the root of the first conversation we see between them. Just because every attempt has failed in the past, that doesn't have any bearing on the final result. Remember, it isn't over yet, this is just progress. All the people Jacob has brought have

The Jacob/MIB Debate
Pardon me as I think some stuff out…