
"I guess you could say SCDP paid the ultimate Pryce. "

"I guess you could say SCDP paid the ultimate Pryce. "

I'll just get this out of the way: this episode was DAWESOME!

Man, was not expecting the direction of this album, but it pays off on repeated listens. A little underwhelming at first, but those butt rock hooks sink in deep after awhile. Basically if your 70s metal collection melted into a thrift store sequencer, then pumped through arena speakers, this is AVD. Some of the

"Looks like the Waterboy has become the WaterGIRL!"

a-coodle-doodle-doo, a-coodle-doodle-doo.

…He would if Walt didn't fully disclose what he intended to do with the cig pack from Jesse. Walt could have easily lied and made a persuasive case to have Huell lift the ricinette f/Jesse. Not really a stretch.

YOU fethishize the archetype, dammit!
Much more focussed than skeletal lamping, but still a little more schizophrenic HFAYTD, which is probably still their best. Overall, it restored my faith that KB hasn't gone completely nuts and still has some anthemic tunes left in him. Half the fun is listening to the