Frank and Sadie Doyle

Bad actor on a bad show is rich as Croesus. Who gives a shit. Let him write another stupid book.

It stinks!

"Fat Man, with his kid and dog
Came in through the rolling fog
Hey there, Rover! Come on over!"

I guess I'm capable of separating her website from her self. I mean, you don't like a website, you don't read it. I think GOOP is garbage, but my main takeaway from this divorce letter isn't that it's a ridiculous piece of writing (it is), but rather that they wanted to control the dialog a bit and hope that people

I met them as a kid at the Newport Folk Festival. Friendly and bearded, as expected.

Eh, the consensus on this site is that GOOP is awful (and I agree!) but clearly lots of people like it. I don't think it was a mistake at all, it was a savvy business move.

My wife doesn't seem to like female vocalists, for some reason. I was pleasantly surprised when she enjoyed one (but only one) of the tracks off of the new St. Vincent album.

He came to my college radio station back in 2003, and was incredibly friendly. I told him I had a friend named Eggman (which I did) and asked him to draw what he thought that person would look like. He drew me a smiley egg-man. Perfect.

As someone who enjoys the show but thinks the book are horribly written, I love, love, LOVE seeing Martin pontificate about how many seasons the show should have, and whether or not it deserves a feature film. As if it were up to him at all.

Wife and I gave Trophy Wife a try because it was splashed all over Hulu Plus. It got a few chuckles, but nothing more. We both agree that Malin Akerman is gorgeous.

Is Kingsmoot like an entmoot, but with dudes?

Eddie Izzard
Drag Race 2000!


Yeah, I dunno. But I also had never heard of Sweet until I read this article. In my head the BOC guys all had a great day and decided to record a sunny song?

LORD Andrew Lloyd Webber, thank you.

I always thought it was BOC.

I can't hear 'Eileen' without singing to myself:

My, my, my, Mitchell!

I'm not really an Eagles fan, but c'mon, it's a good line. Who cares what the inspiration was? I love plenty of songs with completely inane lyrics.

Yo soy un goat!