Riff Randell

I'm in love with modern moonlight
My last boyfriend didn't like "Roadrunner" by the Modern Lovers. HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE ROADRUNNER BY THE MODERN LOVERS.

I feel the exact same way about "Barbara Ann." If you can hear that song without smiling a little, then I have no patience for you.

See, I don't even think the trailers looked that good. There was a dusty sort of beaten-down quality to the art in Watchmen, even with the day-glo color palate, and the trailer just looked far too … shiny? Picking at nits, of course. But I have no hope for this movie at all.

Ugh, There Will Be Blood.
Network is pretty great though, for what it is.

She drove down from Bowdoin with a carload of girlfriends to meet some boys and maybe eat some mushrooms
This plotline sounds like it could be from a new Hold Steady concept album.

Oh man
He's so cute. Call me!


YES! And now it's stuck in my head. If you were going to make me relive my elementary school Disney Channel watching days, couldn't you at least have referenced Even Stevens instead?

Canada and theft
And now, Mike Watt with an open letter to the guy who stole his bass:


A great way to start my morning:
Watching a young Michael Showalter in a tight t-shirt. It's almost as good as Dougggg….

My favorite State sketch
I know there are better-known ones out there, and ones that are empirically just better, but the one State sketch that cracks me up every single time is I think in the second episode, with Sid and Nancy on the gameshow.

Not that my sketch comedy and Michael Showalter addictions need more enabling, but …
I really, really really really hope this is going to happen.

He drove a freaking nail through his penis?!?!????
I just involuntarily crossed my legs, and I'm not even a dude.

Bette Davis
Rocks my world. That's all

It sounds more like a band to me, but either way we are unstoppable. Maybe it will be like Josie and the Pussycats meets the Avengers - dynamic duo rocks by day and fights douchiness by night.

"his dad is a goose, for some reason"
For some reason, that made me laugh out loud. I don't know why.

Reck and Riff … I like it.

Signed, every person who would have loved Juno unreservedly had it not been a massive hit (aka poser kneejerk backlashers with no souls)

But Danny! I can't make my famous spare ribs without your Husk Musk!