Riff Randell


And, you know, those other guys too, I guess.

This is exactly the incentive I needed to get me through finals. Thank you, Jack.

I love Mick Jones so much
that's all.

When I saw this on the front page I wasn't paying attention and I read "Reitman" as "Batman." Then I had a small heart attack of fear.

My right one is usually Simon and the left one is Hecubus, but sometimes they switch.

Yay Science!
I actually literally teared up when Walt talked to the camera at the baby shower. How long until the next season? Does anyone know?

Marry, Shag or Kill
Daniel Desario, Carlos the Dwarf, Gary Gygax. Go.

"But I do wish for some more fucking ROCK. Less fucking haircuts and affected cool. I want more musicians to show me that they fucking love what they're doing, and less of an exercise to get paid, get high and get laid. That shit should be incidental."

I actually looked it up just now. He's married. Rats! (get it? get it? I hate myself.)

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let this be too expensive
Because if I could go to this concert it would make my LIFE.

That was excellent, lexicondevil. I think a lot of my peers (I was born in 1988) have a serious inferiority complex, trying to figure out why we aren't part of something big and special like the Boomers. I hope that as they start retiring and dying off, their stranglehold on this culture will weaken and we'll realize

You know which "classic" show you should do next?
Kids in the Hall.

I am a nice Mormon girl
and I laughed out loud at that Mitt Romney joke. Because it's so true, man, you know?

Blankets and Persepolis
are to date the only comics that have ever made me cry.

Blankets and Persepolis
are to date the only comics that have ever made me cry.

Mormon Doctor already.