
Andy - Nope, the Master frequently teams up with malevolent alien species. Time before last, it was the Toclafane (not technically an alien species, but whatever), but if you go back to the original series, he teamed up with the Autons, the Axons, the Sea Devils, and the Daleks. And his motivation was always wanting

They had a contest to win a complete set of Bob Dylan albums last year. It involved identifying a really tough set of song clips. I spent about an hour doing it. Not only did I not win, but the contest post was unceremoniously deleted from the site with no explanation. References to it now exist only in the AV

You say, "All In The Family never lost characters that were as crucial to its ensemble as Rhoda Morgenstern and Phyllis Lindstrom were to The Mary Tyler Moore Show". All in the Family lost characters more crucial to its ensemble. In fact, it lost its entire ensemble, except for Carroll O'Connor. Did anyone really

It's probably an old person who almost never appears, like Marge's mother.

Are you doing "Mysterious Planet" on its own? It doesn't really make sense to talk about it without talking about the whole Trial season; too many of the things "Planet" sets up aren't sorted out until "Ultimate Foe".

Worth pointing out: Penny didn't figure out that the coordinates were under the poster because it was out of place.  The clue was "leave no stone unturned".  It was a Rolling Stones poster.  It was modestly clever, and I was surprised that the show didn't even mention it, because this is a show that usually tries to

I think James wouldn't have let him use a stuntman.  Also, if fear humbled him, he wouldn't have been able to go in and demand an ending change that runs against the entire point of the show.

I've seen "The Bewitchin' Pool".  Presumably because of its status as the series finale, it is almost always shown in TZ marathons.  I prefer it to this.  Although the decision was close!

Rance McGrew is both the only TZ covered so far I had never seen, and the worst TZ I've ever seen.

By "Patient Zero", you mean "Prisoner Zero"

Mozart's Requiem?  Hasn't anyone seen Amadeus?  :)

Mozart's Requiem?  Hasn't anyone seen Amadeus?  :)

This is a big deal for Marx Brothers fans: Tony was the last living Marx Brothers co-star.  Now he's gone the way of Lucille Ball and Kitty Carlisle.  RIP.

This is a big deal for Marx Brothers fans: Tony was the last living Marx Brothers co-star.  Now he's gone the way of Lucille Ball and Kitty Carlisle.  RIP.

In fact, the nihilistic violence in Varos (and to a lesser extent, some of the other stories this season) was one of the reasons for the 18-month hiatus.  When it came back, it was even worse: it didn't even have the violence to keep it interesting!

I love the Sun Makers, but there is nothing at all subtle about it.  Everyone hides from the collector, with his evil "Inner Retinue"?  I'd probably go so far as to argue that this is actually more subtle, regardless of whether or not you like it.

Truman wasn't VP in 1941 - Henry Wallace was.  This changes the scene quite a bit.

In 2001, I was a struggling grad student with an overwhelming and arrogant mentor.  I was nervous.  I loved Scrubs.

Marco Polo
In Marco Polo, they really only poke around for a bit before wanting to leave. The only reason that they stick around through the whole story is that the title character steals the key to the TARDIS, with the intent of giving it to Kublai Khan as a present.