Jerry Curlan

That's funny, because I'm naming my next child cymotrichous.

Are you talking about a homeless person spitting or something?  Man, speak English. 

"George, I've got one word for you…'Noooooooooooooo.'  Cinema gold right there."

You had me at "kill Tom Cruise."

Only sexually.  Never financially.

I would say they're almost halfway not done.  But of course I'm a pessimist.

Same here.  With Joel Hodgson, I might actually pay to see what is sure to be a steaming pile of crap of a movie.

Next you're going to tell me she wears sneakers with a dress, just to show how unconventional she is.

They should make a show about guys called "My Best Friend is a Homo."  One guy would be all like, "I'm going to Home Depot."  And the other guy can be all, like, "I'm going to Bed, Bath and Beyond."  And then the first guy can be all, like, "hey, get my dick out of your mouth."  Man, that would be a funny show.  Are

Did someone say "elusive titties?"  Man, don't I know it.

Wake me up, before you gay gay.

Must be Italian.