
I Don't Want to Piss This Thing (my adult diaper, at least not in front of the grandkids … … … goddammit!)

Deuces Are Wildly Exiting my Ass ('cuz I'm incontinent)

So he's less a classic asshole than an Orwellian asshole?

Being any kind of "-vert" is better than the one with the "per-" prefix. And good luck getting the wife to quit with that label…

"Detest" seems far too strong a word, since who else could you sincerely describe by juxtaposing the words "beloved" and "critic?"

Dude looked like Bert Lahr with fucking huge earlobes —so yeah, I'd say portrayal by Redford is a step up.

Paw to Darwin, dude, while I appreciate the rebuttal, I'll entertain neither such rampant relativism as "you are describing… boundary conditions for virtually all knowledge," nor such disregard of empiricism as "Maybe sensory data isn't reliable, either." Keeping your beliefs obviously doesn't require you to discount

Yes, I certainly know the gospels as distinct from Paul's epistles, and recognize that the baptism and crucefiction of the historical Jesus are widely accepted by scholars. But that's the historical Jesus; the details of the Biblical Jesus are much harder to verify.

"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?" Naw, that's just a line from Citizen Ruth by the guy who played Red Foreman…Seriously, the Bible is a giant game of telephone if there ever was one; the first written gospels date to several decades after Christ's death. And even if

I think of it as more matter-of-fact and less apt to disappoint— we really shouldn't be promising "glory" to every Tom, Dick and Harry. That could be why suggestion boxes and walls at rest stops are overflowing with resentful commentary; I hereby propose "oral hatch" signage to cultivate more realistic expectations.

I always picture that little Mormon gnome Orrin Hatch; could we simply merge the two and call them both Oral Hatch from now on?

Seriously, what the fuck, sandals? You're supposed to help me leave footprints in the sand next to this sad-ass motherfucker over here! Oh wait, I see the problem—still switched to walk-on-water mode…

Holy shit—more like a nuclear Christ-splosion.

Yeah, I should have been more explicit with "This is only meant to fault her bosses, but…" Otherwise readers still assume the worst.

Yeah, obviously not her fault, just remarking about what a hickish and fucked-up undertaking the whole thing sounds like in hindsight. Hopefully the suit successfully cleans out her reckless asshole bosses.

Also likes shooting an endangered species? String him up!

Not to sound victim-blaming, but what part of "let's go film an Allman brothers biopic with a bed straddling those train tracks" sounds like a good idea?

The inarticulate comments and thin skins were similar, but whereas the Ghost World class readily discounted Enid's found object art and happily slammed their minds shut, the Art School Confidential class was so anything-goes that they refused to call out lazy or derivative tripe. I suppose the result is somewhat the

Probably the lowest-rated film that I own and enjoy, a pseudo-guilty pleasure. It's not just the character archetypes/stereotypes but the underlying message of what a silly and largely antiquated career path this is, and what a disillusioning scam art school can be for many. Yes, less substantial than Crumb or Ghost

The Jew-fro is much too youthful; he seemed to be aiming for an ugly old square. If intending an Orthodox Jewish caricature, he'd have added the hat and/or sidelocks. He already had the bowl-cut wig, so it looks like an Amish-semitic hybrid (or Howard from BBT with a beard). I suppose he could have innocently