
…One credit card receipt for Swedish-made penis enlarger, signed by…Dan Darper…

Yeah, Bill Maher calls the GOP a bunch of "Civil War re-enactors"…their pre-20th century nostalgia would make well-heeled Republicans sooner comparable to Cy Tolliver in Deadwood, and working-class Republicans akin to E.B. Farnum in their brooding class insecurity, petty resentment of perceived inferiors, and

Yeah, I'm sure by embarking upon another documentary he felt enormous pressure to recapture some of the same alchemy that catapulted him to acclaim. And if that was the ultimate cause, I wish he would have simply retired from film-making and freed himself from that crushing burden and externalized concept of

Absolutely agree, and that's where I hope Cinecraft can find some greater peace and perspective in appreciating the intrinsic value of human existence regardless of accomplishments. That we should all be chasing some cultural legacy, especially in this hyper-pluralistic, novelty-obsessed, ADD-addled, and

Cinecraft, you sound something like a self-hating perfectionist, a flaw with which I and probably many others here can certainly identify. For me, this negativism got to the point where I entirely talked myself out of putting myself out there artistically and decided for a more conventional job and family life. But,

I suppose, once you stop reading it as an egregious error… Alright fine. Just give me the fucking summonses.

No ID?
Mr. Baldwin, What's in your wallet?

And not only does riding against traffic allow foresight of veering vehicles, it allows him to stare down the onslaught and offer grizzled admonishment as only Alec Baldwin can.

Not sure how many variations on Fred Armisen's bicycle-supramacist caricature frequent AV Club, but hopefully your jab lets us find out…

Which, as well all know, can scarcely be achieved at a fraternal bacchanale without one's member placed firmly in a rear orifice of another attendant…Mr. Rogen appears enthusiastic if slightly uncertain — I admire his aplomb.

That's why I'd assumed they were giving these guys a show; they look like a gay narcissist's heavenly fantasy:
1. Be a gleaming hunk
2. Have a clone or twin that you work construction with all day and have gay sex with all night.

I totally agreed with Sonia, but as for calling herself a jackass, Rand is one dealbreaker that doesn't really warrant self-rebuke. Yes, like any dealbreaker, it's a very negative bias within a somewhat subjective topic, a bias that can be both acknowledged as not entirely fair but still ultimately owned with

Wednesday is the day Marah wears pink…
Thursday is the day Marah posts snarky click-bait about dated pop songs…
Friday is the day Marah is finally threatened with a pink slip for continually lame choices of bait and even lamer factual errors…

Patricia Heaton's a right wing harpy whose acting career would be finished were it not for this worthless pap being sold to lobotomized suburbanites.

This should be a one-act play, as the whole deposition (starting about 3/4 of the way down) preceding this segment was likewise a total disaster. This guy managed digital servers for a County Recorder's office, but was a deliberately obtuse piece of shit about "scanning," "scanners", "electronic copies" — he pulled

So is the state or somebody gonna sue whatever stupid motherfuckers were hired to create the exchange site? A waste this colossal sounds ripe for litigation.

I've yet to see a documentary about a songwriter who threw it all away that goes much beyond mythologizing the musical genius. Neither A Skin Too Few about Nick Drake nor Be Here To Love Me about Townes Van Zandt seemed to transcend this flattering fanboy feeling or muster much insight about the mens' compulsions and

In related and equally galling stories:

Your superfluous use of apostrophes ("Yours" and "its" are the correct possessives) and choice of earnest concerns are what frightens me — I now can't help but wonder if I'm arguing with a high school student. I'd assumed your original comment was facetious; if that's not the case, a couple points to emphasize:

This would indeed constitute a great tragedy for future students shrewdly majoring in obsolete video technology as the planet teeters on the verge of ecological and economic collapse. Perhaps this mortifying VHS scarcity will offer them the chance to at last fully grasp the utter folly of man's ways.