
I actually love this movie and got it for 50 cents at my local BlockBuster when it was closing down and having that huge sale. Thanks, RedBox!

Thank you, Trent!

I'm not a big fan of the Neo-Nazi material, but the blood on Jack's shoe (that's his name, right?) was a great subliminal message. This job of theirs is gonna be dirty, bloody and it's going to get flushed right down the toilet. It won't be successful.

In my opinion, this was by far the best episode of Breaking Bad in its entirety. Though Walt deserves to die, I have to admit, he is a genius beyond imagination. That confession tape was honestly one of the smartest things this show has done, not only because it was intense, but it made perfect sense. Move over, "The

Glad to see this has been getting great reviews. I didn't actually enjoy the trailer for this film, but all of these positive reviews are making me want to see it quite badly.

Really glad this film is getting a good review. I've been excited for this film but I assumed it was going to get your typical bad reviews. Plus, I love(d) "The Strangers," so I'm excited to see this.

Friends? I think you might have to look underground for that answer.

Skinny Pete will never die. He's going to be playing piano on America's Got Talent. And Badger is going to do some crazy stunts with a crossbow.

He is the ONE who grows a glorious mustache.

A robot?

Even after 5 seasons I am continuously impressed with how great the writing is for this show. Just remarkable.

I just got done watching this film and I loved it, and I hope people start to realize that movies can be (very) good even without a lot of action, explosions and or killing (even though this film as some). Tye Sheridan is going to be a great actor in the future, because his performance in this film is just

Wow, this is sad but an awesome story as well. Cool.

What I mean by this is that they are already pre-developed into a full fleshed out character. There's nothing more to do, and honestly, Skyler has had some very great Emmy worth performances. The episode that was all about her, when she decided to fake "drown" herself was brilliant. Her acting was top notch and Rian

Well for me, I guess I have to say it's "The best of all time," only because The Wire, although I love it and I own every season on DVD, for me it was very difficult to get into. I actually had to force myself to like it. I eventually did.

Ratings, BITCH!

And this may be an invalid/weak argument, but I don't think Skyler, Hank and Marie need character development. They aren't one-dimensional characters to begin with, but those three characters represent normality. That's why I consider it "genius," because instead of sit-com-y characters, these are characters who are

In my opinion, this is the greatest TV show in the history of television. I love The Wire and the writing/script for that show is genius, but I think Breaking Bad is flawless. I truly do, and this is coming from someone who has seen every season over 4 times. Vince Gilligan's attention to detail is beyond any thing

I agree. Plus, not a lot of my friends are like me — nerdy and a TV enthusiast and want to discuss this kind of stuff, so it's nice to watch a program that's actually directed towards my interest(s). I have it recorded as well. I don't panic if I accidentally miss it, but it's enjoyable enough for me to tune in on a

I watch it?