
I thought she was very annoying and wouldn't let the host (Chris Hardwick) actually do his job and HOST, but at least she knew her shit. Lol.

Because Vince's sentences always go as, "Well, uhhhhh, Walt, uhhhhhh, is, uhhhhhh bad, uhhhhh, guy. UHHHH."

Hello, Carol.

I think she's actually going to survive like Saul. But yeah, she's gonna start some crap. She did once say that she moves things from point A to B from just her fingertips.

I really do love these type of "podcast" shows. I wish it would become more popular and there end up being more of them. It's unfortunate that Chris Hardwick just now decided to do a "Talking Bad" program near the end of the show instead of the beginning. At least there is still "Talking Dead," although "The Walking

It's unfortunate that I don't have Showtime bc I'd really like to watch the last season of Decter despite the negative feedback, along with Ray Donavan and Homeland soon.

Ah. I haven't seen the episode in a long time so I didn't know. It was still a homeless guy, though. Lol.

I agree! Walt used his power play, I'm one step ahead of you tactics like he did against Skyler earlier this season when she tried to "drown" herself and they had that heated argument.

When Hank closed the garage door, I got goosebumps. That entire scene was chilling and flat out intense.

This is one of the best comments I've ever seen. This episode was in the top 5 (in my opinion) as one of the best episodes of Breaking Bad throughout all seasons. It was that good. It had nostalgia — such as the little kid playing with his toy car in the neighborhood, the "Dog House" restaurant that Jesse was at when

My goodness, this was one of the best Breaking Bad episodes I've ever seen. And I think that it's appropriate to say … "That escalated quickly." Also, did anyone notice Walt acting just like Gus in this episode? Once at the car wash when speaking to Lydia; he kept asking her along the lines of, "May I help you?" the

Breaking Bad is the only show that matters tonight. Everything else can go off the air.

That picture reminds me of Breaking Bad (SPOILER), when Walt kills Mike. I mean, Larry David is even dressed up like Walt. How ironic is that?

People still say "cancerAIDS"?

It matters because the end of Breaking Bad means the end of one of the best television shows in the history of TV, and in my opinion, the greatest show to grace television. It will always matter, because the end will also be a memory in which we will all want to discuss and have a sense of nostalgia later in the years

Well, this was spoiler-ific. Looks okay, though. I loved season 2 (go ahead, stone me!) and this looks like it might be back to its slower pace. Oh hell, who am I kidding? There's going to be a terrorist attack every episode by the bald Nicholas Brody and then Dana is going to become a terrorist herself.

Way to screw your partner, Sonya. And I'll use that phrase literally in a few weeks or so, I'm sure.

Fantastic film! The third act could have been better, but it was still a brilliant piece of work. This film is personally one of, if not my favorite film of 2012-13 so far.

That was a great scene, and it's a great way to symbolize how fast Walt can change.

Hopefully he doesn't have a heart attack mid season. That'd be a shame.