
She's so perfect. And really, The Last of Us is by far the best game I've ever played, not only in this console generation, but of all time. It's truly a masterpiece in story telling, dialogue, acting, and of course game-play. It was near perfection in every sense of the word.

I'm not going to lie, this is interesting. If you pass "Go," do you get an immunity to a walker bite?

Stay out of my territory.

Franz Ferdinand is probably thinking, "No, just take me out."

Breaking Bad.
Elysium.Breaking Bad.
Gravity.Breaking Bad.

Say my name.

This trailer doesn't explain anything other than Amy Adams is being the naughty girl I've always known her to be. And I'm okay with that. I think I saw a gun, too, somewhere.

Breaker, breaker, 1 9, Homeland season 3 is going to have a terrorist attack every episode with Carrie giving her quivering lip angry speech to Saul.

Oh, and the last time someone quoted a poem, they died (Gale). Could this be the same fate? It would be a fitting end for Jesse to do the deed once again.

This wait is getting unbearable. The hat at the end with the desert sand smeared all over it was confusing.

This show is unfortunately really short, but I loved it nonetheless. Having or seeing discussions of my favorite television shows is always entertaining.

As bad as it may sound, I am excited for season 3 because I loved season 2.

I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise made a cameo in "The Master" at some point.

Okay then.

Cant he just stick with Scientology?

A L B U, leave at the tone, BITCH.

I was really impressed with "The Americans." But, I think they may have rushed the set up too fast and I'm unsure how it's going to pan out in multiple seasons. Here's to hoping I'm wrong.

So … Topher Grace is the Captain Kirk of this intergalactic journey? But really, Christopher Nolan seems as if he's over doing it with the vast amount of high profile actors/actresses. That COULD be a bad thing, but I'll wait for a trailer. At least a teaser …

This is my favorite Jean Claude Van Damme film and I watched it so much when I was a little kid, and the fact that it's being remade genuinely upsets me a lot. Maybe I should get sand thrown in my eyes when it comes out.

No, he just cries a lot and his nose quivers a lot; i.e. talking to Bruce Wayne.