
The big headed prof also plays Pleakley on Lilo And Stitch. I think.

Tonally, it fit in with the cool kids (aka past seasons). It had wonderful pathos and it's always refreshing when Britta gets taken seriously. Probably one of the best emotional moments. It just sucks that it took a lame plot to get there.

Britta held this ep together for me. She wowed me with her maturity. To date Troy is to date Abed too and that's all right for some people, but Britta doesn't have to force herself to be alright with it.

Thing is, it is that difficult.

I'm gonna be the Resident Thread Asshole and say I don't like Jim Rash's screenwriting so very well. It's just not funny enough for comedy and not witty enough for some kinda, idk, witty non-comedy sorta thing.

I didn't like the script for The Descendants. I knew there was a reason I didn't like this episode. Like, I like Jim Rash, but yeah, he's funnier as an actor, not a writer…

Or Illuminati stuff. Some thing. Of that ilk.

Also known as Cher's "Bang Bang."

*This* close, Pierce.

Such a dorky headline. But I love it.

Well. I mean, you're wrong. So…

I quite liked this episode. I guess since the writer(s) didn't get the memo that this was the final final episode, I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt. It tried in its measly 22 minutes to resolve most threads and tease at new ones. Idk, loving this entire show, this as a finale, while not giving me the closure I'd

Community has been disappointing these days, but Cougar Town's never been better.

It hit me hard too. I guess the effect is different on people with absent parents (fathers, particularly).

Loved the moment of un-reality show like pathos where the queens talked about their fathers' acceptance/rejection of their passions. : (

My favorite joke that landed because of the actor's performance was Ellie saying, as she tried to flee from Redneck Jules: "I do not…want that."

They said "Awww" kind of excessively tonight, I noticed.

If she couldn't handle it, she shouldn't have done it. Apparently 43 degrees isn't singing weather, probably means you shouldn't sing.

Right, so I hate Diane's daughters. Like, I get what the writers were going for, but the girls on Louie are waaay better. I guess it's because P&R is exaggerating, but damn, if those were my kids or, heaven help them, my MOM'S kids, choppy hair would be the least of their worries.

Does a tree shit in the woods?