
Does a tree shit in the woods?

Gee, is someone damaged on this show? I wonder if they speak in heavily foreshadowing-laced babble.

Gee, is someone damaged on this show? I wonder if they speak in heavily foreshadowing-laced babble.

Just about any Gaga song, most K-pop, and "Rhythm of the Night" by Corona. You know, that classic '90s Eurodance one-hit wonder. Oh yeah.

Just about any Gaga song, most K-pop, and "Rhythm of the Night" by Corona. You know, that classic '90s Eurodance one-hit wonder. Oh yeah.

I preferred the surrealism in the BMO Noire ep. This ep was definitely more weird-for-weirdness's-sake. The former was analyzable and really intelligent. But I guess that's because of their personalities. BMO's grappling with a lot of identity confusion and Finn's mind must be all over the place.

I preferred the surrealism in the BMO Noire ep. This ep was definitely more weird-for-weirdness's-sake. The former was analyzable and really intelligent. But I guess that's because of their personalities. BMO's grappling with a lot of identity confusion and Finn's mind must be all over the place.

Vigilant Citizen (always a good time) says that it's Disney Channel's way of normalizing Illuminati iconography for children. Makes them easier to indoctrinate, don't-cha know!

Vigilant Citizen (always a good time) says that it's Disney Channel's way of normalizing Illuminati iconography for children. Makes them easier to indoctrinate, don't-cha know!

I want to like Gravity Falls, but I feel like it's Disney Channel's attempt to get in on the Adventure Time/Regular Show success that CN is enjoying. You can pick out some similarities (especially the thinly-disguised adult humor or that girl who is suspiciously Marceline-y or even the moments of psychedelic

I want to like Gravity Falls, but I feel like it's Disney Channel's attempt to get in on the Adventure Time/Regular Show success that CN is enjoying. You can pick out some similarities (especially the thinly-disguised adult humor or that girl who is suspiciously Marceline-y or even the moments of psychedelic

It's amazing how much cheesier Coldplay makes everything.

It's amazing how much cheesier Coldplay makes everything.

This show is at least partially redeemed by them having Moritz from Spring Awakening and Kim from Scott Pilgrim. And Anwar from Skins.

This show is at least partially redeemed by them having Moritz from Spring Awakening and Kim from Scott Pilgrim. And Anwar from Skins.

We call the men Gary Stu's.

We call the men Gary Stu's.

I honestly always got the sense that Finn and Jake don't really value Beemo, leastways as much as he values them. They take him for granted because he's a service bot, basically. Clearly, this episode shows he isn't. He's grappling with some serious loneliness manifesting as awesome pulpy fantasy.

I honestly always got the sense that Finn and Jake don't really value Beemo, leastways as much as he values them. They take him for granted because he's a service bot, basically. Clearly, this episode shows he isn't. He's grappling with some serious loneliness manifesting as awesome pulpy fantasy.

My little sister and brother were spooked too. As was I. We kept replaying that scene just to get it out of our system.