
That's why I can't find Megavideo links anymore.

I don't get the hate either. Don't mean to sound hipster, but this is a completely normal sound and performance for her, if you're already familiar with her. She has that husky, purring sound down pat. And the lips are also properly puckered. I for one loved the performance. I don't like that we live in a post-Idol

Now I feel weird for enjoying the performance?

Arrested Development, like Parks, rarely lets me pause and laugh at its jokes. They come at you in a ferocious rampage; that's what makes re-watching the episodes so fun. If you want a little moment of repose before moving on to the next joke, look no further than The Big Bang Theory, which sets aside 25% of its

I think it's pretty warranted in art to imply that two people *can* be together, though. I never got the sense that Ben was the only man for Leslie and Leslie the only woman for Ben. They're a good match, I think. And being the adults they are with a pretty decent level of maturity (that also allows for comic

Treating herself? To a brand new vibrator?

"Love and Monsters" was bizarre, but having Shirley Henderson was a huuuge plus, so I could never hate that episode.

I have never laughed harder at Parks and Rec than I did during that sequence. I made all kinds of noises.

Oh yeah, how did I forget "School Hard"? "When She Was Bad" was good, but kind of a downer and unwelcoming since Buffy was dealing with her inner turmoil. "Some Assembly Required," well, the less said of that, the better.

linsdayfunke: Yeah, that's true. It's one of the Doctor-lite episodes. Maybe for a first-timer, seeing this mysterious, kooky man somehow be tied to a plot that ostensibly centers around Carey Mulligan piques interest in him. And hey, every episode you see after that showcases him even more.

I don't know. A friend of mine isn't watching Buffy anymore because of Season One. I think the earliest episode I would really recommend that is also a really good one is, well, the "Surprise"/"Innocence" two-hitter. "Lie to Me," "The Dark Age," and "What's My Line" (cheese notwithstanding) are good, too.

It's a bit radical, but my mom's first episode was "The Body." Hey, it worked! Distracted her from Twilight for a short while.

Said it before and will say it again: "Blink" is the PERFECT episode to get a potential 'Doctor Who' fan to drink the Kool-Aid. It's worked already twice in the fall when I brought friends over. I just have to sit my mom in front of the couch and—fingers crossed—I'll have a new convert on my hands!

I'm Liz, I'm 39 for the third time and my favorite move is Sunset Arms!

I see your reference and raise you a reference that connects to it somehow to flaunt my cult fandom savvy!

*buzzer noise* The correct answer was Soylent Green.

White 14-Year-Olds Who Got an iPad or Complained at Not Getting an iPad Last Christmas/Hanukkah.

Fassbender the People

And later they gotta sit!

I just sat my pants in excitement.