
Unless that's what he WANTED you to think! Just kidding, I don't know what's going on.

"Joyful," eh? One might say gleeful . . . wouldn't one?

He was pretty good at playing a glowering and—yes—punchable-faced teenager.

I missed that part in the movie.

"Post-feminist male frustration." Yeah, those feminists really ruined our thought processes with their manifestos about equality.

Even the canary in the car's cuteness seemed to work tonight. When it breathed a sigh of relief, I didn't mind so much.

Then it was too late for the creators to realize the show didn't work as a joke machine either.

I really disliked The Descendants. I wanted to love it, since it takes place in my old homestead and is co-written by Dean Pelton, but I didn't. Despite all my attempts to. I find Clooney an overrated and bad actor. I personally found mediocre acting everywhere I turned, save Judy Greer. She knocked it out of the

Yeah, it does! I think blue hair would suit her too.

The guy looks good is all I can say . . .

Polanski should have realized that would happen before he started plowing a child. No one can simply talk about his films anymore. And heck, I say why should they?

This might be profane, but I don't like Jason Reitman's movies. Thank You for Smoking, Juno, and Up in the Air all annoyed me more than entertained me. I especially have something against Up in the Air, where transitory career men and women act like teenagers.

That Will picture will infect all my dreams.

I love the new character—Ethel, was it? She is to Parks and Rec as The Surrogate is to Arrested Development, further bridging the gap between both cult comedies.

I forgot both those states existed.

If this was actually produced at least a year before, then this season really is lacking. The genuinely new episodes we've had this fall have really sucked so far. Especially the Cee-Lo-as-a-jacuzzi one.

Got Dean? Got much? Much got?

One of us, one of us!

Annie's Boobs' boobs.

If only The Hunger Games could enjoy the astronomical success this series has enjoyed. Then we'd have less haters bitching. My main gripe about this series is that it's redefining heterosexual relationships now (and maybe some homosexual ones, too). Many girls will now want their guys to replicate the things Edward