
Yup, I hate it too.

The thing about Veronica Mars is, sure, Season Two got convoluted and probably went off on uninteresting tangents at times and Season Three had two weaker mysteries, but ALL three seasons were better than most of the crap on TV at the the time—hell, even the crap on TV now.


Thank goodness someone sees it my way. I did NOT like the original and thought it way overrated.

Bonobos, now name someone who doesn't love those liberated scamps.

Still can't get enough of this song, or Wye Oak!

Yeah, "Remedial Chaos Theory" and both Halloween episodes of the past two seasons were better than this. I'd actually give this one a B. I appreciated the idea of each character telling a story that reveals something about him/her, but I feel like 'Community' has to be careful with its high concept episodes. They're

I really liked this episode solely for the not-corny-enough-so-it's-okay character moments ("We're brothers," et al.), but yeah, this and 'Community''s episodes kind of disappointed in giving me huge laughs or something new to chew on. In contrast to the last few episodes for both shows.

Really excited to see of Vinci's story unfold.

. . .

This show seems so bad that I might want to watch it regularly.

I met him a couple weeks ago. Really cool guy. Now I can say I embarrassed myself by ruining a joke in front of DANIEL CLOWES!

El Seanerino if you're not into that whole brevity thing!

And the kids curse in front of their parents!

It can be like Cougar Town, where everyone just walks into each other's houses and drinks wine in a circle.

My roommate absolutely loves this show. It gets on my nerves, starting with the shrill theme song.

A Good Day to Die Hard is Hard to Find.

This episode penised.

I like it enough, probably because I'm pretty habituated to Ryan Murphy's sloppy storytelling by now.

Room for one more? If not, I'll just take the mouth.