
Those ginger boys sure knew how to contort their faces.

"I don't like you smoking!"
"Nonchalant Ryan Murphy one-liner!"
*cameraman has a seizure*
Aaand scene.

Knowing Ryan Murphy, having this show on for too long will ruin it. So I hope this is just a one-season wonder—or clusterfuck.

And dude, "girthly challenged" is the preferred nomenclature.

Yeah, F/X, HBO, Showtime, or AMC could handle this. Not Fox. . . .

You think in those few moments, she taught the interviewer to embrace life's little joys?

And the award for corniest reaction shots goes to Finn!

The baby grows up and gets revenge on Maya Rudolph for doing that thing to her or something. I didn't watch the episode.

Ringer? I don't even know 'er!

What I'll not be doing: watching 'Breaking Bad' because my roommates insist on having 'Psych' marathons on Netflix Instant.

He's a frugalista!

Didn't know this was even back. I guess it's because CN decided to show us only 9 episodes, as if that was enough. (Worst broadcasting decision since the bisecting of 'Caprica.')

'The Vampire Diaries' > 'True Blood'

This year's gonna suck. Time to crack open a book or something!

Bee, why are you staring at me?
I am not a flower.

The difference is subtle.

T'aint pretty.

Oh, okay. I wasn't planning on getting any sleep tonight anyways.

Notice how GRRM has a thing for writing "a babe at the breast." Would that I could tell him to switch it up a little.

Punch Drunk Love