
He's pretty "salty," as Diablo Cody would describe it.

Ooooooohhhh you eee-eeee myyyyy eyes. Or at least that's how it sounds.

How can I forget 'Bossypants'? It's the only book I read this year.

The third season's better.

'Adventure Time' back with a vengeance
This past episode with baby Finn singing and dancing in front of the mirror. "If you an evil witch, I will punch you for fun." *toot* 2011 Hall of Fame, I say.

Tom Cruise isn't in this movie. Not even a cameo.

You're a douche for writing it correctly. It's like how people call me out when I italicize or put quotes around movie titles, etc. You can never win. We should abandon using periods screw punctuation while were at it

'Grave of the Fireflies' punched me in the gut! 'The Sea Inside' was good, too. I didn't cry during that one. I kind of felt happy for the guy.

"What do you like about it that keeps you tuning in?"

The fuck—
Look at us quirky kids, laughing at the would-be mugger giving up on us. We don't have to call the police or anything.

Finally caught up
Not even Helia returning could get me amped for next week. The return of Dean definitely doesn't entice either. At least the previous two episodes had bountiful fan service, since it's pretty much the actors MLP, Hunter, and Pablo keeping me coming back for more.

"Keep up with me now. I don't know, but it sounded like you did, and a body's got a right to be curious." Oh, Nora, I would rip that cheongsam and take you on the table.

"Foreign contaminant."

Marie: "Hank!"
"I'm throwing away all your schist unless you start being gneiss to me!"

Dunno if this quite counts,
but the Sally Potter film 'Yes' had its dialogue entirely in iambic pentameter.

I guess they still can't find it. Retrace your steps, A.V. Club.

That puts me six up on the lot of you!

I wanted to punch Juno, even when she was far along. It's like the gestating munchkin inside her magnified her lexical powers.

@Midnight Moon: Pretty much by problem sometimes. I can't understand half of what Rupert said in Shell Cottage. SPEAK UP!

And he possessed the body of Michael Goldenberg to do it!