
@Just zis guy: I loved that, too. It reminded me of how C-3PO and R2-D2 could walk through an entire battlefield and nothing hits them, and it's not even like they're rushing to safety.

It's pretty sad 'cause she was eleven. I mean, it's sad at any age, but that age in particular.

I would have liked to see it in the movie, but as long as Goldenberg cut the whole "entering St. Mungo's" bit, starting with the facade clothing store entrance. If they just cut to inside the hospital wing to see Arthur and oh, hey, Neville's over there in the corner. As it stands, I appreciate the little nod to that

Watch this in Harry Potter, ya freeloaders!
*wiggles fist feebly*

You can't just ask people why they wear glasses!

"FUCK!!! You fuckers made me spill the beans."

Everyone keeps saying the Time Turner device was a flaw, but I don't see it. One of the main arguments is, if Time Turners exist, why not use them to go back in time and kill Voldemort? But the way I always saw it, the way that was consistent with the HP universe, is that Time Turners cannot alter history. Hermione

^ No one cares.

'PoA' revolutionized not only the Quidditch games, but the entire milieu of the HP world. The necessary grit and crookedness that the first two films lacked were brought, and overwhelmingly! as if they were compensation.

Fuck yes. Luna Lovegood is my god. And Jo herself gave Evanna Lynch, the actress, the "word of god" vote of confidence, saying she was "perfect" for the role.

I really enjoyed the S.P.E.W. subplot
Yeah, it was an exercise in futility, but I think it was something that ought to have been addressed given the HP series' budding political salience. Like you both wrote, 'GoF' is really where things start getting mature, and it's a preamble to the uber-political 'OotP.' Here we

All the callbacks
Oh, my god, the callbacks. (Peskipiski pesternomi!)

Their ever will reproduce asexually.

I remember reading a hypothesis that the doll is a symbol of children. In the final shot for Hoyt/Jessica, we lower to a shoddy doll in the darkness representing the fact that Hoyt and Jessica will never be able to procreate. I haven't seen this episode yet, but if Hoyt was canoodling a dolly, maybe it's another

'Wizards of Waverly Place' is really good, surprisingly. Selena Gomez is a good comedic actress, and I unabashedly ogle David Henrie in all his sleeveless glory.

Just slammed the entire first season
within these last 24 hours. I can't get enough of this show. I want to talk about it. SOMEONE TALK TO ME!!!

It's way unlikely, as everyone is too intimidated by his rich mustache to even put him on the ballot.

There better be onlookers going, "Ooh!" and making faces.

Hooters in 'Big Daddy.'

Maybe Ebert is assigning stars to his own reviews, a sort of self-assessment thing.