
I'm beginning to think Allison is going to be given the win.  Girl turned down multiple contracts after her cycle, and did some modeling on the side.  But mostly she finished school and did some art internships.  She doesn't seem to be interested in modeling, yet she's back.  Either they give her the win (though


Oh Lordy please, let's keep this going. If only for the return of Creepy Chan.

I really enjoyed that moment too… we kept waiting for the supposed dream sequence to end, which I think made that moment all the more powerful, and Tara's reaction all the more loving.

I completely agree with Lola. Whenever Tara is onscreen, I'm fully aware it's Toni Colette; but as soon as an alter appears, my mind instantly responds with "Oh, it's Buck" or whoever it may be.

Hate on pretty ladies.


The Michael Kors Game
""She looks like a transvestite flamenco dancer at a funeral." Michael Kors Word Picture of the Season, so far."

So, I have it under good authority from my homeless friend Bobo who lives in an overturned dumpster behind my apartment building that Nolan has lined up Kathy Najimy to play The Riddler.

If they cast Michelle Rodriguez as Ashley YOU KNOW she's going to be the one left behind to blow up the bomb because MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ DIES IN EVERYTHING.