Dr Crab

Interesting. I used to work at a methadone clinic (in CA), and we'd get tons of people who were over-prescribed opiates and weren't warned properly of the addiction danger. I never heard about them testing people at the doctor's office for weed though. Pretty shitty

People keep saying it was a punch, but it looks more like an elbow to me. Open hand is a good idea though

I wouldn't call your rage vacuous, but I hope you find a way to feel better about things.

As a mental health professional, I would push back on the idea that anyone's coping mechanism is wrong (as long as it's not directly hurting anyone) or indicative of "shallowness."

I see this type of criticism all the time lately, usually from leftist twitter, and I just don't understand it. I hear that you're scared, angry and depressed, and want to see things change, but so are many other people, and it's not your place to tell them how to cope. If people need Princess Leia, or Harry Potter,

These are all guesses for Nathan's powers, but SPOILERS? I guess.