
Poor Taylor Kitsch would've been just fine. If Ryan Reynolds can can get a Deadpool mulligan, surely TK could've gotten a break, but alas, we can only imagine him asking Wolverine "Is that a fucking e-cigar?

As long as someone's keeping an eye on the mug…

Ugh to this day I cringe whenever I see that surfing scene from Die Another Day. Just ugh.

I loved how self-contained it was, even if the MCU stuff did creep in a bit. As clunky as it was at points, the story and script generally worked, and it really seemed to have a heart and space to breathe that you simply can't get in other Marvel movies (and a certain upcoming DC movie doesn't look promising in this

I hear that. For what it's worth, I think they sort of make that part of his character arc over the course of the movie, and by the end he's giving Hope the other/better suit, and he acknowledged/accepted that Janet did what she had to do.

So to be clear:
-2(?) people are crushed to death
-another goes 1 for 2 in suicide attempts in successive days
-another is beaten to death with a baseball bat
-guy falls off a roof and is potentially paralyzed (wonder if the goo will come in handy?)

Based on the interviews we're now hearing from his colleagues during his actual reporting days, I got the impression that he simply wasn't made to be a reporter like the other folks on the ground. Sounds like he got bitter and figured he was simply unappreciated by the network people, and convinced himself of his own

I think the front porch thing is my favorite of the (quite large) bunch of these. Who the hell even knew these phones calls were recorded back then, and it becomes blindingly obvious that he was clearly not there.

I'm really not quite sure what to make of this. I'm always rooting for a successful action movie (film remake or otherwise), and these are very likable leads, but this 5-minute trailer (and it doesn't feel any shorter) reeks of insecurity for a movie coming out in a month that basically hadn't previously been

I have to admit I lost some of the Melanie/Christine cave exposition because i was so distracted by what sounded like a blatant mispronunciation of the word "oxytocin". I don't recall anyone wanting to build the windmill so they don't lose all of the "oxee-gen".

Why'd you shoot that pig I just freed from my own trap? GOSH

Oh, God! You're Not Dead!

In a weirdly specific way, Colbert covered Cooter and the flag 10 years ago - one of my favorite pieces he did with TDS.

Yea this really reeks of KC wanting to have his cake and eat it too. If he wants presents and Santa then that's great, but then don't pretend that's somehow putting Christ in Christmas.

My brain simplified it into assuming that the cutaway to Brand just takes place soon after her initial arrival to the planet, and is not parallel chronologically to Coop's actions directly before in the film.

Agreed. I've got my gripes about the film, but that's one of the many things I liked. The movie's long enough - we don't need a training montage.

What a great and frustratingly flawed movie. While a lot of movies suffer from "show, don't tell" problems because of lazy storytelling, Nolan often makes the opposite mistake. We're concurrently told about every single thing we see, which waters down the (really pretty great) visual cues. On a related note, the movie

For what it's worth, I think the "widowed parent steals a spaceship and goes exploring with comic relief robot friend" finale worked better in Prometheus, if only because we still have an appreciation for Lisbeth Salander's motivations, as well as the fact that Ridley Scott is the master of filming spaceships flying

"Hey! Don't do that!"
"We should do that."
"Oh, ok."

And say, you like sailing?