Superman and Lara Logan! Maybe now CBS can finally get in the superhero game.
"I'm Steve Croft. I'm Leslie Stahl. I'm Morley Safer. I'm Lara Logan."
It's possible this could start a shitfit, but while it was certainly flawed, I liked Prometheus. Considering how many ideas it jacked from Alien movies, there was regardless a cinematic freshness to it that I enjoyed.
"Ripped from the headlines!"
"Paul Simon and Sting tour 2013"
Shit - I come to an article a few hours late and I've already missed the whole tour.
Loved this ep, even if just for the scene of Eli/Nucky chatting at the beach house table. The A-B-A-B way the camera went back and forth between the brothers was just fantastic. And speaking of which, some of my favorite moments in the show, especially this season, are of siblings or close close friends (i.e. L&L)…
Take off your nightgown…and get me some cake.
Must once again use Tribbles as a major plot point.
Also had better supporting cast than the other TNG pics (James Cromwell, Alice Krige, Alfre Woodard, Neal McDonough)
"A bunch of guys in beautifully tailored outfits in great looking sets and locations scheming to do horrible things to each other."
Or, as it's known, "church".
Just watched this for the first time, and…jesus.
I absolutely loved it. Advocates for rebuilding should just go around showing people a video of that scene.
Loved this episode. Here's hoping they show Frank's funeral next week; apparently it was a sight to behold: 150 car motorcade, silver-plated coffin, and $20,000 in flowers…bought from O'Banion's shop, no less.
Yes, and entirely too much, but:
A) The problem isn't with her at all, but rather the lines, and
B) Still absolutely worth seeing regardless in IMAX 3-D
I think the movie does do that
Yea - I clicked on the link for Miley Cyrus' tweets a few minutes ago, and it's still bugging the hell out of me.
So I just started watching BB about 2 days ago, and with the knowledge of what Walt looks like in the future (bald, grimacing), seeing that opening scene felt like watching the best prequel/origin story ever. Maybe the television equivalent of watching Michael Fassbender put on his Magneto helmet in First Class.
Now all they're left with is this
Where's Oded Fehr when you need him? His whiteness satisfies the chickenshit studio folks, and his accent is exotic enough for him to pass for any place that the movie wants to seem distant.
Wait, it was a "horrible" car accident that killed his wife and son? I much prefer the uplifting and jocular ones. How sad.