I was totally expecting that scene to end once she got called out by her boss, so for me, everything that came afterwards seemed to drag.
I was totally expecting that scene to end once she got called out by her boss, so for me, everything that came afterwards seemed to drag.
Actually, the show I want to see is Right Now with Elliott Hirsch with EP Don Keefer. The show that's dying to be relevant, and yet will always be second-fiddle to Will McAvoy. But that's just me.
I hear what you're saying on the theory, but then I remember he is still going to be writing a Steve Jobs biopic. Not that there's any complaint there, but I think straightforward-Sorkin is still kicking.
I always kind of pictured him as Glenn Beck at his most emaciated and unbathed, on his worst drug relapse.
Maybe it's because I am in a far different socio-economic level than the Leona Lansings of the world, but what kind of retained lawyer just kind of meanders around, interrupting conversations like that? Now I'm scared that I will have nightmares of Marcia Gay Harden popping up in random situations in role and…
Noticed that too - seemed pretty forced to have someone who was fired from a campaign then help lead coverage on election night. That said, I loved the callbacks to other election nights. Taylor I think was supposed to be a Steve Schmidt kind of character, who later helped MSNBC cover the 2012 election night, and of…
Intolerable Corelli
Luisa Miller's Crossing
A Serious Manon Lescaut
La Fargo del Destino
Anyone know when Llewyn Davis actually releases wide?
Munya! Given Boardwalk Empire's penchant for casting great actors in great limited roles (Stephen Root, James Cromwell, Dominic Chianese), the fact that Forsythe flourished in that role is a major credit to his career and talent. Also makes me that much more excited for Jeffrey Wright and Ron Livingston.
Well this sucks. I like Patton Oswalt, and found his twitter game funny and clever, but for some reason it seems in this thread if you don't love PO more than you love your own mother, you're branded a humorless asshole.
"Hey, I’m into you, person who is obviously also into me."
I hear ya, though I'm convinced the show, and Jon Stewart used to be different. Just seems like now he's willing to stoop to the level of the people he despises. Part of what's so absurd about Bill O'Reilly is that he'll go out of his way to demolish John Q. Writer in Nowhere, Colorado for writing a single negative…
(That said, I still watch the show every night)
On that note, anyone else also maybe a bit nervous about Jon Stewart coming back to The Daily Show? Definitely a credit to John Oliver and the writers over the past few months.
I was Ctrl-F-ing around to see if anyone mentioned Wagner. I am fascinated by and get swept up in his music and the mythology of his operas, but it's then especially difficult to separate those ideas and sounds from Wagner the man.
Ok yea that's I figured.
Uh oh, according to Wikipedia, Antonio Banderas is an ex-Expendable.
It's eternal and ubiquitous, but I'm never going to cease being amazed by how such "tough" guys - Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are the clearest examples I can think of - have such thin skin.
Nah Turkey's fine now - protests have cooled down, and as long as you're not next to the Syrian border (and there's absolutely no reason for anyone to visit there), it's a great place to visit. That said, I've always wanted to check out Lebanon and Syria, and I expect the latter won't be happening any time soon.
Ah I'd love to do the Bayreuth pilgrimage some day…just not sure if I'm quite ready for it (mentally or logistically/fiscally).