Krystal adores armani

Why did you choose a picture of him from Nip/Tuck when his role on that show wasn't even discussed?

Brett Ratner?

No joke! I just wanna cover him in that chocolate sauce and lick it off. Sexy nerd.

Damn! Am i the only one who finds Josh Model suuuuper hot!

Oh plz! It's guys like you who  make girls feel inadequate! Not to mention going into grocery stores and always seeing skinny anorexic bitches on the cover of US Weekly! Have realistic expectations! More cushin for the pushin1 ;) ….——====

All women posters give a whoot whoot LOL!

woooooow…its guys like you who give guys a bad name all over the world! What an egotitical pig! A girl gets a few crow's feet and you're barfing? I'd love to see what you like stud! And don't pretend that picture is what you actulally liook like! IT's probably who you dirty jerk to every night before bed LOLLL!

Ah, to be young again….
Darling, better prepare yourself for heartache. A woman's purse should always contain at least one box of kleenex, among other things ;)

He's sooooooooooooooo hawt!

Yo go girl!
I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOo glad Lisa has got her own show! For awhile there I was worreid she'd dropped off the face of the planet LOL. ROmy and Michelle's High School Reunion is one of my all time FAVES. LOVE the scene where they're at the gym, and the scene where they have the dream sequence, and teh scene with

Wow, someone sane! Who is this old fart reviewing these things? Black Eyed peas are tight! Fergie is fine fresh and gorgeous with a g!

what a dumb bitch!
You're 15 minutes are up, slut! Go back to singing Disney Princess karaoke and shopping at Pac Sun! LOL

Haha, nice twitter. You look like you play D and D looser! lol

Daniel Radcliffe = dreamboat
Can you belive the rumors that he is gay? LOL. Hell, I'll turn him strait give me one night ;)

What the hell is wrong with you people! This is the bet news in years! Diablo Cody is a genious script writer, her dialogue is so witty. Once again stupid men can't stand to see a woman in a position of power, tampering with their oh so precious zombie movies. Boy will be boys lol!

He has
such pretty eyes…..

OMG! Kesha is fierce and fine! You guys are smelly losers! Go buy some more jerk off lotion losers! lol

that new Katy Perry video is HYSTERICAL! Did you guys notice the Rebecca Black cameo! I alomst spit my capuccino out when she appeared! And to all you haters…you WISH you could look as good in braces as her! I love the 80s retro! Bring the 80s back!

Josh HOlloway or Tom Cruise? Can i flip a coin lol . I'll take both on either side on a carribean shore as sexy waiters with tiny briefs. Lol my fanatises r so perverted ;)

Even with that trailer park mostache he's soooooo sexy lol! When iw as watching 24 hours the whole time he had the boulder pinned on him i fought "oh its ok baby i'll bring down some pinot noir and we'll spend a night under the stars ;)