"Let’s watch a guy set the record for sticking toothpicks in his beard"
"Let’s watch a guy set the record for sticking toothpicks in his beard"
I was thinking more out of spite…
So was I the only one who watched "Seven Days in Hell"?
Huey Lewis would argue that the Ghostbusters theme already ruined "I Want a New Drug."
I didn't see anything about a magnetic resonance angiogram in this article.
No odds on Cersei killing Tommen?
Why are they fighting? Shouldn't they be friends?
Interesting addition to the Perry repertoire: "Madea Becomes a Mad Scientist."
That pitcher throws like a girl… who will supernaturally exit your TV screen and kill you.
Much more entertaining than playing baseball…
He looked tolerable when I glanced over to the seat-screen next to me on that flight to Europe. (The only other time I saw him act, he had his arm ripped off, which was also tolerable.)
"with a bass up his ass" - fish or instrument?
He praised Adam Levine over Keira Knightly? Uh…
So how many reboots does a franchise get these days before someone just pulls the plug?
MY GOD! The same thing happened to me in DC. You must have dated the Canadian version of my ex… Which I hope means she was more polite when she cheated on you. (Man… I'm still emo…)
Carrabba survived? Bring me my hunting rifle…
Oh I know it carried on… I just thought we managed to vanquish it to obscurity…
I struggled through watching them open for Weezer in 2002… Only to get stuck sitting through their set before Beck a few months later. (Strange side note – Some band called The Black Keys was the opener for DB and Beck.)
Holy shit… Emo really is coming back.