
April 15: Dick Clark's birthday
April 16: Dick Clark on Leno
April 17: Harass Dick Clark 
April 18: Dick Clark dead
April 19: Out of debt here

Agree with Little Thin Man…the classic Krusty bit from Bart of Darkness is the single best piece of parody the show ever did, and not because it parodied anything in particular. It just got the tone and the style and the nuance of a particular era so fucking perfectly.

"Let's define our terms, gentlemen. Are we talking about redistricting or are we talking about reapportionment…"

Updike on The Martini

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to appear on a tortilla in Mexico."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to appear on a tortilla in Mexico."


Memo to Goldie Hawn: Cheerleading tryouts were thirty years ago. Let's grow up, shall we?