
not okay unless you've fathered Sarah Palin's grandkid

wait a sec
how does a dead guy keep writing books? Is he the Swedish Tupac?

I interpreted the headline as Apple trying to save vinyl records. Releasing music in LP-sized chunks is not in any danger of extinction - it's too much of a tradition at this point in music. Pop music has always been a singles genre and will continue to be, though even pop stars release full albums to enrobe their

This ranking wankery is a waste of time. Can't we just agree that these are all great albums and that Coldplay sucks balls?

Yo wouldn't call them boring if you saw them live. You could say that their lyrics don't convey much beyond a general sense of malaise. Not a new trend but worth pointing out: to be a well-respected band, your lyrics don't have to be meaningful, just not outright embarrassing. Grizzly Bear and Animal Collective are

yeah totally worth it…feels so natural after a couple games…but it has to be the geekiest and most complicated-looking game ever to outsiders.

pee wee spends most of the movie trying to get laid, then he gets laid, yet still somehow it's a lousy movie. Here's hoping someone in Hollywood finally lets him make another.

Is that the documentary about Roman Polanski and his wife? But seriously folks, what about Uwe Boll vs. those critics he beat up?

new to Maddin.
stumbled unto Brand Upon the Brain at my local library. enjoyed it immensely. couldn't listen to the Isabella Rossellini narration track without thinking about green porno.

Nine killed her…nine shall die…nine eternities…in DOOM!!!!!!!

As an introduction
I recommend listening to "Bonnie and Clyde" by Gainsbourg and Bardot - one of the coolest songs ever recorded.

Das Defunctinator!

pompous vegetarian, old lady, gay guy, biker, Japanese man: the five voices within.

score! I can pretend to have other characteristics too if it will help tint your worldview.

There is danger in judging things on a level that isn't there.

While it may appear crude and childish on the surface, our hostility is actually an important step in the academic process of preventing the retention of defunct ideas. Educated men and women simply have no other method for deciding what to believe. If nobody had told Gall what a little sissy hipster douchebag he

You're right, it was anti-intellectual of me to suggest that Zizek has nothing meaningful to say just because I don't agree with some of his interpretations, no internet sarcasm. I enjoy Zizek because I think he's an entertaining speaker, and he wouldn't be rowing through The Birds if he didn't have some sense of

unanswered questions
Do the parts 1, 2, and 3 represent the id, ego, and superego? Does Zizek symbolize a giant self-important phallus or an anus spewing excrement? If intentionality doesn't matter, can we appreciate the hilarious way Zizek puts himself into the movie sets and ignore his pointless ramblings?

A nod to Donnie Darko perhaps, but Adam sang it in a Michael Jackson falsetto. It was nowhere near as big a ripoff as the time last year's winner cribbed Chris Cornell's version of "Billie Jean." Watching all the performances last night, Adam got my vote because he was the only one to pick a song that didn't totally

Also, every album ever. Down with shuffle!