
When I first saw him, I thought he was one of Jimmy's sweet elder law clients. Finding out he was one of the scuzzy public defendants was a nice revelation.

I think that, if Mike did that, there's no way he'd survive to Breaking Bad even if he is Mike Fucking Ehrmantraut.

Plus Celine's baby.


You only have to pay Mathew Baynton once next time!

America: We suck at television.


My kid's was "Whazzat?"

I LOVE how far the Boyle-Diaz dynamic has come from the first season. Of course he'd be happy she's happy. Of COURSE he knows her well enough to have the perfect bachelorette party idea.

That is exactly what I thought, too. It wasn't until we saw someone else in the hallway that I finally knew it had nothing to do with the kiss. So, nice misdirection, show!

I know they're somewhat limited by the source material (and I know nothing about her comics incarnation), but the Silver Banshee outfit is horrible. She looks like someone halfheartedly attending a Dia de los Muertos party.

He was in Star Trek: Voyager as Seska's co-conspirator (whose name escapes me, but IMDb can help).

This episode had three different women telling Philip that he has to be honest with them. And he told each one something slightly different.

Rebecca wasn't the composer of the piece Chuck played. Gabriel Fauré was the composer. Rebecca just owned the music and wrote her name on it.

That was my vote for "This week in webisodes Brooklyn Nine-Nine needs."

On #1 — Yeah, that was dark. I always thought that the Muppets operated on some ambiguity as to whether they were sentient animals or sentient puppet versions of animals, and her farm story basically said, "She's an actual pig. Like, on a farm, raised to be food pig."

I actually did say, "Thanks, Voyager!" for that clue. Then my husband said, "Thanks, California head shops!"

I'm not a comics fan, so I may be wrong, but I get the impression that Astra and Kal-El aren't related, they're just both related to Kara. I think that Kal-El is a cousin on her dad's side, and Astra is an aunt on her mom's side, making them nothing to each other.

My answer for why Kara didn't just say: "No, he's dating Lucy. Shut up": They made it a point to show that Winn heard Kara's side of the conversation. It had to be ambiguous enough that he thinks they're referring to him, not James.

I'm fairly certain that the intro to the second episode showed that both Jamie and Ariel are in the bunker—Jamie on the couch, and Ariel in camo, with a gunshot wound.