
"I'm not sad. My people are Siberian."

"She was a cosmonaut."

And you probably don't think butterflies are mammals, either.

Alex was beside himself, having a whole category to show off his French.

I was screaming at Sean for his weak-ass DD wager. There weren't that many clues left on the board—he should have wagered enough to put the game out of reach, and even if he was wrong, he would have still had the lead. The fact that it was a gimmie Chicago clue (he teaches down in Urbana, but he obviously knew Chicago

My husband was also frustrated that the judges didn't dock him for "then." At least Alex was swift and gleeful in rejecting Tom's bungling of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

His FJ wager reminded me of when I used to play poker. He was so on tilt.

I think there was a very fast, "What's…" there.

The fact that he stopped doing it for the second round makes me wonder whether they specifically told him during the commercial break to stop doing it.

I dreamt last night that I was on Jeopardy!. I was in third place going into FJ, and the clue had a bunch of Tolkienian words and "Sting," so I wrote "What are swords?" and was the only one to get it right, winning the game. One of my opponents wrote "What are Shakespearian swear words?" I have no idea what this says

They were all SO SLOW in choosing their next clues. It got to the point where I didn't want any of them to win. I think Dean was probably the least annoying of the three.

That Raiders of the Lost Ark is a pretty cool guy. He fights Nazis and doesn't afraid of anything (except snakes).

But how will he handle sixteen games, then?

When Phil II showed up, he made a comment about how any type of movement attracts attention. Between that and Carol's comment about the lack of meat, I took it to mean that all the animals are dead.

And I loved that Phil went along with it, too. Character growth!

It seems as though Jeopardy! really favors King Lear questions. If I ever become a contestant, that play will definitely be on my to-read list.

They also share a love of old cars.

And yet, Piggy's questions weren't the worst that Reza Aslan's ever been asked. The (dis)honor still goes to, "Why are you writing about Jesus if you're a Muslim?"

I felt that all the narrators were a little too far gone this week. I also don't understand the reviewer's comparison to Jenny Slate—Slate is one of the best narrators on this show.

Absolutely. I love how half-assed it was—they didn't try to do a design, or even cover the entire window. Stylistic suck at its finest.