
Ugh. Unfortunately, when those in this situation *do* name their rapist, then people pile on with, "She's* just trying to get back at him for something," and, "Why didn't she report it to the police? It's because she knew it wouldn't hold up in court, so she's trying him in the court of public opinion." It's

NBC on the Central Coast of California (Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Maria). When I lived in Chicago, it was on ABC.

Wonderful show, but by the second episode it was clear it was never going to get a second season. Knowing that made us appreciate the wild ride all the more.


The guy who informed Jerry that he's adopted.

Totally agreed on this being the greatest Randy season. The line, "I'm not having a glass of wine, Stan, I'm having six. It's called a flight and it's classy!" is pretty much the most Randyesque line they've written. Then his inappropriate cock magic enthusiasm (which stems from a misunderstanding that he never

I'm pulling for Arthur, but after Rebecca made it a true Daily Double, I wouldn't have been upset with her winning. How many times have we seen people face that situation, knowing that their ONLY shot is to bet it all, and then chicken out? That was a victory for good playing.

His character is actually interesting, instead of being "interesting" like pretty much all the other characters (See, there's this girl who's a programmer, but she's a GIRL!). Watching Lee Pace in HCF made all his scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy hilarious.

How does this relate back to pop culture? Well, she refers to several things that were setting the internet ablaze this week, which would seem to indicate that they are currently popular in our culture.

You know, "Thine Own Self" has my favorite A-plot of all of Star Trek. When I saw it, I thought, "Jayden would make a good name. If I have a son, I can name him that, so he's named after Data without being too obvious." Then, in ensuing years, the name got popular and ruined (thanks, Will Smith). So, I have a son, and

Then you succeeded! Congratulations!

Sorry for your loss. My husband's grandmother has it and seems worse every time we visit her, and his parents (who live with her do they don't have to pay rent) are in denial about deterioration. There's no way this is going to end well. Every time we get a call from one if his parents at an odd hour, we brace

There's one sponsor they'll never get now.

His name is Robert Herjavec. For a long time, though, my husband referred to him as The Other Kevin because he didn't realize that Kevin Harrington was a completely different person.

THANK you!

I love Santiago as a character because she has some of my worst qualities, but the show makes them funny — and not in a mean-spirited way that would make me feel ashamed. The show helps me laugh at myself.

But Carmina Burana isn't opera.

Was this the first time we'd seen Nathan's parents? I love the idea that Nathan has Downs yet isn't disabled, but his parents treat him as such because they're selfish assholes. It means he comes by his assholishness honestly.

Coincidentally, I attended the quarterly meeting of the Pacific Southwest Chapter of the American Musicological Society this past Saturday, and there was a paper on "Vegetables." Sadly, it wasn't a good paper, but I'd never heard it before, so I learned something anyway.

I saw on the original article some poster whining after his NYCC panel was cancelled, saying something along the lines of, "I hope you're happy. A lot of people were looking forward to this panel, and you ruined it for us." But that's really been the only backlash I've seen. Frankly, if that's the kind of person who's