
My hometown saw an influx of Pakistani and Indian immigrants when I was in elementary school. Only when I look back on it now can I put the reaction in context — I embarrassed to admit that even my mom had some bigoted comments (she worked at a fabric store, and she was convinced that the women were shoplifting and

I want to commend you also for not just making this another, "Can you believe what he said?!" article and really examining the claims he made. The internet is full of reaction pieces, especially when someone so obviously shits the bed. It takes more skill to look at why he might have said what he did, and why it's

Yeah, but Don's wives are intentionally dressed like magazine cover models for their era — they're not wearing what people ACTUALLY wore, but the polished image that advertising executives and Hollywood studios wanted to project. She looks amazing, but everyone else is getting garish.

But then they put him with Ann, which was not much better.

…and he says things funny.

I don't usually watch shows as they air, but I happened to tonight, and I noticed that B99 and the Simpsons told the same joke: Homer and citrus (mimosa), Jake and carrots (cake). B99 did it better, I think.

A year later, I ruin the perfect 1000. Yes, I did it! I'm liker #1001!

I understand why characters' voices drift over time, especially the South Park females who have gone through several voice actresses. I don't like the screechy original Wendy voice, but to me she now sounds disconcertingly too much like Sharon. There's something unintentionally Freudian about that.

The most memorable bit she did was in a boat with Keenan Thompson. She's singing her inner monologue ("I think I'm falling for this guy!") as she's on her first date since her boyfriend was murdered. She's missing the most obvious clues that Keenan's just there to murder her too, and it turns out that she's been

Jerry Yang. All the way.

Hey, the Beatitudes are actually very solid, as is most of the Sermon on the Mount — and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't believe in god anymore. The Beatitudes emphasize humility, and the rest of the passage includes the, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" bit, as well as criticism for people who make a show of

Holy shit!

As frightening as this?

I'm from Chicago. I married a San Diegan baseball and football fan. Now there is some crushing disappointment.

Seriously. I have no idea why my husband thought it was someone else.

I'd think this was completely stupid were it not for the fact that my husband and I have argued over it. For the record, I was right.

They used this as the promo for the season, and in the commercials the scene lasted just a half second longer—long enough to see the proud expression register on his face as he was happy she acknowledged that he looked better.

Oh, yeah. Her too. *glum*

My name was really popular among my parents' generation (I'm partially named after my dad's ex-girlfriend, which is admittedly odd). The most problematic Linda association isn't fictional: Linda Tripp. Mostly, though, people learn my name and say, "Hey, that's my mom's name!"

I'm a grad student, living for a long time (ugh, too long—this is taking forever) in a college town. Consequently, I'm surrounded by a lot of liberal people whose stance on social issues is fairly similar to mine. My friends on Facebook are also liberal, with the exception of some relatives and in-laws. It's very easy