
Yeah I thought 3 as a concept was great. "Serial killer makes a friend" would have been fine if the friend hadn't been Jimmy Smits. How he sounds less like a pimp on the show where he's actually a pimp than he did on Dexter is beyond me.

yeah that whole scene pissed me the hell off. I went from yelling "why the fuck would they send that to HER?!" to "oh, what a surprise, that blood slide looks like ANOTHER bloodside, because THAT'S WHAT A BLOOD SLIDE LOOKS LIKE"…haha

yeah that whole scene pissed me the hell off. I went from yelling "why the fuck would they send that to HER?!" to "oh, what a surprise, that blood slide looks like ANOTHER bloodside, because THAT'S WHAT A BLOOD SLIDE LOOKS LIKE"…haha

So if it took place in Ohio, she wouldn't be "racially insensitive", but because it takes place in New York, she is? I just don't get why its an issue at all. I don't remember hearing crap like this when How I Met Your Mother premiered. The race of a cast shouldn't really matter at all, unless you're talking about

So if it took place in Ohio, she wouldn't be "racially insensitive", but because it takes place in New York, she is? I just don't get why its an issue at all. I don't remember hearing crap like this when How I Met Your Mother premiered. The race of a cast shouldn't really matter at all, unless you're talking about

I, for one, have always been DEEPLY offended that the 10% of the population that is black has been so criminally unrepresented on a show that doesn't even have 10 main characters.

I, for one, have always been DEEPLY offended that the 10% of the population that is black has been so criminally unrepresented on a show that doesn't even have 10 main characters.

That's true - I unfortunately forgot about those (truly interesting) moments. Because, like most of Season 6, it seemed hokey and tacked on only for the purpose of keeping my attention. In hindsight, it makes the "Deb Catches Dexter" moment FAR more meaningful… but, when watching S6 last year, all I felt about it was

That's true - I unfortunately forgot about those (truly interesting) moments. Because, like most of Season 6, it seemed hokey and tacked on only for the purpose of keeping my attention. In hindsight, it makes the "Deb Catches Dexter" moment FAR more meaningful… but, when watching S6 last year, all I felt about it was

Yeah, as someone who is usually DOGGEDLY against jumping into the middle of serialized shows, literally the only thing you'd need to know from season 6 is "Deb Catches Dexter At The End."

Yeah, as someone who is usually DOGGEDLY against jumping into the middle of serialized shows, literally the only thing you'd need to know from season 6 is "Deb Catches Dexter At The End."

(edited for TL;DR)

(edited for TL;DR)