
If there's one thing Americans hate more than a Clinton, it's a sore loser crybaby. It's not even political — it's like, "Shut up already you blowhard loser."

Not surprising — the impotence of the 'alt-right' is such that they're putting all their chips on a rich New Yorker who doesn't give a fuck about them, at all. Trump's also friendly with the Clintons — I have a sneaking suspicion that both know there's an "act" about this whole pathetic spectacle.

So what's the best or most creative costume you've seen? I had a neighbor who spent all year making his costume (latex molds, garage workshop, etc.) One year he and his wife went as Jabba the Hutt — it was badass because it was 'actual size,' operated by two people, and looked so much better than the CGI'd version. I

Welcome to Al Jazeera, definitely not broadcasting from Qatar! Here's the news at the top of the hour …

Do you like celebrating armies that totally, completely, and undeniable lost wars over 150 years ago!? Well boy howdy, let's look at this fine collection of Confederate commemorative plates!

Their loss — Springsteen's track record with movie songs is pretty good.

So can someone tell me how and why "cuck" became a favorite insult from these people? I dived into a comments thread on 538 (bad move) and saw that a few times. I expected the usual insults and slurs, but that caught me off guard.

I had breakfast at a hotel a few weeks ago. Fox News was on in the shitty dining room. The talking head was making reasonable suggestions for tax and immigration reform, e.g., immigrants are great, but we need to have them here legally and make that process better.

There's going to be something about Diamond Joe Biden, right?

hahaha the false-flags are all over the spectrum now!

Well, no one ever said that living your life a quarter mile at a time was particularly farsighted.

That you got a solid eight years with your rig is a huge improvement from the late-1990s to mid-2000s, where you had to upgrade like every two years in order to play new games. The combination of Steam, falling hardware prices, and "good enough" graphics has made PC gaming so much easier and affordable, which has

So serious question from an old fogey: how much do the whippersnappers these days care about videogame consoles? I see them playing games on smartphones all the time. And with online gaming, do people even play videogames together in-person all that often?

Well, he's seen everything.

"Like an adult, I also brush my teeth, wear a suit, and pay my taxes—oh shit, wait."

Fuck, I thought they voted on Novebruary 35th.

But has anyone even *seen* this crooked Electoral College? Where's their football team if they're such a big time important college, huh?

"I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are. Isn't that right, Mister … Poopy Pants?"

She spray painted that on the side of an oil refinery, right?

Thank you for the offer, kind sir, but I'm too busy watching these recuts of classic Nickelodeon game shows as horror movies. Truly a great job, Internet!!1