
In another thread, someone smartly said that Shades is a smooth f'ing operator who found himself in a comic book world full of ridiculous villains who speechify and quote the Bible. All he wants is a competent organization with a nice dental plan and no heat from the authorities — is that too much to ask?

Yet we still have to build a wall to keep everyone out, that's how bad it sucks!

Since this is an embarrassment for the Republic, let's remember some legendary OG badassery. How about Washington resigning his commission and riding off into the sunset?

So that Springsteen song is eerily accurate then?

I moved to the Libertarian camp because the GOP went off the rails. I want a republican (little r) government, massive deference to the states, and focus on rule of law. Bill of Rights, etc. provides a 'floor' of liberty via 14th Amendment to prevent the ills of federalism (e.g. Jim Crow). In short, limited federal

Well, a certain segment of men, namely the dumbfucks.

Holy shit, *that's* how he met Warren Zevon? What a great story.

Well, the president can veto whatever he or she wants. In fact, we need a president to veto 90% of bills because they're vaguely constitutional omnibus garbage full of handouts and other bullshit. Veto the damn bill twice if it's an acronym like "Patriot" because you know the Bill of Rights is about to get fucked.

The best part of this election is Boehner's well-timed and somewhat cryptic 10 second YouTube update of him driving a huge RV down the highway. Just perfect trolling.

That's only because Diamond Joe's buddy Blaze dozed off while on lookout duty, that unreliable bastard.

I listened to a podcast with Senator Lee of Utah, a Republican who refuses to endorse Trump.

"Hail to the Chief
If you don't I'll have to kill you"

Do you respect wood, Nick Offerman?

"South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year"

Ed Begley, Jr.

For my money, Cat's Cradle is the funniest Vonnegut book. A few passages made me laugh until I cried, which happens maybe once a decade from the written word.

Wilson was a disaster during that conference. I've read "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" by Keynes, and he doesn't have anything flattering to say about him. Neither does Thomas A. Bailey, one of the foremost scholars on the subject of American diplomacy. His two-volume history of the Paris talks and Wilson's

Considering McCain is a goddamn American hero, it's really disheartening that he's going out in a downhill slide like this: Palin, endorsing a pervy shitbag like Trump who doesn't know jack about the Constitution, pledging his next term as a senator to straight-up obstinance, etc.

What's the false-flag in this scenario? The sandwich?