
i'm pretty sure this band used to be called "The Texas Chainsaw Mass Choir" and totally rode that whole "sasscore" thing that was popular for an hour in 2003 all the way to brooklyn where new coattails were readily available. this song sucks.

Detroit Process Server starring Mo'nique

Anyone remember G3 with Steve Vai and Eric Johnson? That was way cooler than Chickenfoot. Not that it was a "band." More akin to a circle jerk.

At least Maladroit had a music video with Kermit The Frog in it. Too bad "Burndt Jamb" came 4 songs after.

i hope laugier's remake of hellraiser maintains anything from the original. not too psyched about that.

the snakespider illustration was a lot funnier than tigerbat. probably a lot less deadly though.

Who would've thought it possible…
…from the guy who wrote "He Hit Me And It Felt Like A Kiss"?

the Married With Children movie? maybe? when are we gonna see that show on DVD?

if it's 100 Most Outrageous Moments 2…
…does that mean these are the second-most 100 outrageous moments? as in the 101st most outrageous moment through 200th? or do they recap, and replace with new heavy-hitters? good thing i have commercials during which i can verify.