
It's already been said in the comments but the treatment of the female characters (all three of them!) was pretty shitty. I mean, one character was fridged almost immediately, which sucked because I feel like in the few scenes she had, she made Ennis more watchable.

Does nobody think that the episode title might be a clue, re: Ward's allegiances (or just, about the number of double-crosses) this episode? Three 'turns' after all. I mean, sure, maybe it's just an allusion to The Byrds' song, but all the discussion of whether Ward is a double or triple agent immediately suggested

I'm going to put my speculation here, before I read any comments:

Except for Dylan saying that Allen sexually abused her, you mean?

She hasn't but I assume her vet skills will turn up this season since she doesn't appear to have a job?

I haven't rewatched last season so maybe I would be more charitable if I did. But like the girl in a horror movie who goes into the basement, a lot of Juliette's actions seemed to defy logic last season. It made it difficult to sympathize because the entire time you were wondering why she was being so idiotic. The

You really don't need to convince me she's worthwhile, either. I think her issues as a character are partially a function of the storylines, for sure, but three seasons in, they'll likely have to drastically upgrade the character without the necessary development to get her to where everyone else is or she'll likely

This is my point, though - Monroe was allowed to grow and develop as a character. He has utility to Nick (outside of his relationship with Nick) in that he's a Wesen, he can track, he's physically stronger, and he has a friendship with Nick that has evolved and strengthened over time.

I commented on this week's review about this too - Juliette has been so poorly characterized in the past two seasons that it's really difficult to understand her value. The team has gotten along fine (and in some cases, considerably better without having to work around her) without her skills. And poor Bitsie

I'll concede two points - that she came up with the healing gas (in partnership with Rosalee) and that being in a relationship (and living with Nick) situates Juliette in a unique position to keep an eye on Nick, which will no doubt come in handy. And it's great that they've found a way to more naturally integrate

The use of all the characters together is infinitely better than it was in any previous season but I still can't help but wonder at Juliette's long-term utility. I get the vet thing but they haven't actually managed to demonstrate any particular skills or insights she brings to the table as of yet. I think I'm

That's probably a good call. The last time I worked at an office Urban Dictionary was blocked. Given @avclub-cdef27381eb66efd223f0ea7572024b4:disqus's lament below, I thought I'd save people the trouble :)

Er, maybe I'll edit that to add the definition…

I haven't heard the term 'bellend' since high school. I snickered when I realized how casually they dropped that on a CBS procedural. Although, I guess they get away with a lot more these days anyway.

I haven't seen this episode yet but I've actually thought that the show would be better if it didn't focus so much on Zoe for a while.  I find her kind of…  Irritating?  Too often, she comes off as the sterotypical neurotic romance-driven female.  That was happening to Lemon too in the first season but I've actually

I don't think there needs to be a hierarchy of which jokes are more/less offensive but I think we're supposed to suspend our disbelief when watching the show with regards to economic disparities.

I'm pretty critical of Modern Family because I think it was hilarious (and maybe even brilliant) in first season but its quality has dropped significantly.  The jokes, especially the ones around social identifiers, tend to be the laziest.  I don't even like Lily (as a character) but this isn't the first time I've been

This isn't the first time that Modern Family has made jokes of race…  I think it's supposed to be satire?  But, it doesn't usually come off that way.  I have a pretty big issue with Gloria's entire characterization, to be honest, which is almost certainly played exclusively for laughs.

Yep, yep, because Asians love school and doing well!

I was pretty sketched out by the casual racism on the show.