Captain Deada

I love those alligator shirts.

The producers of this film are Garciapariahs, as far as I'm concerned.

How about the contact lens solution people?

Superman can't see through Jack Bauer.

That comment was Tamerlame.

Ever since they stopped drinking tea.

Emilia Clarke

Joe Gillis: You're Norma Desmond. You used to be in silent pictures. You used to be big.

The McKidd stays in the picture!

They're all watching Jason Statham fuck Amy Smart.

Because it's no longer Ramadan.

Because she's Brax?

I always sing "Unbreak My Hymen"

The South American spinoff will be called Brazilians.

Some of us just really like commercials.

That's what I call method acting.

"Suddenly, everyone became amazingly litigious. I remember I'd get up in the morning. Sue someone. Check in the papers that I hadn't been fired. Go to the office. Sue someone. Pick up the morning's writs. Sue the bank. Go out for lunch. Sue the restaurant. Get back in, collect the writs that had been received that

"Me and Robin are like Step Brothers."

My ex-girlfriends often describe me as "feral… and thick"
