Captain Deada

It's one of the 36 dramatic situations:

50 Dharmas of Greg

I got a Coupling notification for this?

Cheryl Hines is starting to look a little like a bohemian Andy Samberg.

—- -. -.-. .
— —- .-. … .
.— .. - ….
..-. . . .-.. .. -. —.

I always skip it on my iPod.

Captain America: Oh, godddd, why didn't we check the Health Department reviews of that place?

"No one will ever believe you."

They're the coordinates for a national treasure.

..-. ..- -.-. -.-
-.— —- ..-

He's probably just on his period.

"I'm tired of these motherfuckin' serpent hearts hid with motherfuckin' flowering faces!"

*backs up slowly*
*pulls fire alarm*

Just buy a ticket to 50 Shades of Grey and go into Zombeavers.

The oddest part about last season was that his assistant got a mysterious phone call and I assumed they were just gonna have it be his character's death (since it was around the number of episodes where he died in real life), but they just kinda wrote him off as "away on business". It makes sense, since his vice

Lestat masturbates in front of a mirror.

It's like how my generation's theme song was "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider, from Vision Quest, the movie no one saw.

If you watch the video, it looks like it gives everything away, and it's like everyone involved in this movie didn't see Cabin in the Woods. I'm not quite sure what they're going for here. I guess the deconstruction Cabin was going for combined with the self-awareness of a Sharknado?

The serial elevator masturbator is still at large!

Remind me not to drink any of your hurricanes.