
Probst hated the waiting game part of it. He said on EW they'll never do it that way again.

Probst hates Fallen Comrades so I doubt it. Although we still haven't seen a Loved Ones visit so maybe that.

"I have to call Burnett at 5 AM again, he's going to yell at me…"

I wouldn't call Michelle's edit strong. She took out Nick and flipped on Julia at the right moment, that's about it. If it is a F2 I'm think Aubrey and Cydney.

they had to wait for everyone to run out of bags before they were allowed to reset. Joe won at the last second. Probst said they will not do it like this again.

Hey look, even Sean Maguire is doing that politically correct thing of saying this is BS without actually saying it: http://tvline.com/2016/05/0…

I will give her she did give up the baby when she thought the child was in danger. But killing Bae/Neal-are they just sweeping all that under the rug? Probably.Dark Swan's plan to kill Zelena after she had the baby was actually well thought out and understandable too. These writers have no concept of a 'redemption

I agree about both the death and and awkward shots. Even if you ignore the creepy undertones of Robin so easily being able to forgive Zelena for tricking him into sleeping with her, she killed his wife! I mean really? I get the writers like Rebecca who has tons of fun in the role, but really?! Made even worse by the

It seems like many past demons are catching up with the clones (Susan, the Hendrixes drug-dealing, Delphine, a maggot-bot inside Sarah since probably the end of S2), I'm sure Veera will be like that for Helena. I could see her triggering a double miscarriage as revenge.

Might not work, Susan is pretty wily.

Helsinki is where it started but the girls lived in different countries nearby.

It'll probably come up when they confront Veera for not helping them. She'll throw back how dare they let a serial killer think she can be a mother?

Susan got so corrupt that Ethan hid for 20 years after all.

Probably thanks to the real Cosima.

Based on the Canadian and BBCA promos she wants a baby too.

That has its hands on the law and global reach? Maybe Scott and Art could cut deals. But basically all the clones save Krystal and Ira would go away for years if not life. S and Donnie too.

Minor pot charges. But she and Scott cut into Seth in Felixs tub. That would be a big deal.

According to the aftershow,they actually had Tatiana and her family bring in teenage photos of her to help the prop department.

Won't work. All the major clones and most of the supporting characters have done big crimes and would go to jail for a long time. Also they'd be always branded as The Clones and never have normal lives which they'd hate, especially Alison. Also means dragging in innocent ones like Krystal.