
True, but that was in the first set. Everything I've seen says the witters put much more control into the second Helsinki series, they even mentioned it on the aftershow tonight.

_The first girl who got the Helsinkis together, Ania was killed by a certain blonde clone. Katja the German was also part of the group.

It very well could be….I can post the spoiler down below if you want.

Fair. Just be careful if other people start talking about Veera's history.

There's even more to MK's story, and a reason why she doesn't seem to give a damn about the other clones. Let's just say Ferdinand isn't the only ally of Sarah's that Veera would want to set on fire…

I love the not subtle metaphor of the scene jumping to something wet, white and sticky being pulled out of a man's head as well.

Given the preview for next week I have hope for that couple!

I feel so smart as a comic reader, but theirs still another shoe to drop. Veera did *Not* get that scar on her face because of Ferdinand and she has another reason to be pissed at Sarah and not care about Clone Club. Its already been briefly teased even.

They made it clear with the Flash crossover that she's on a different Earth then the other shows. If it moves to the CW portal jumping crossovers may happen more but I doubt they'd merge the shows.

With Hook still down there I'm guessing Cruella and the Blind Witch won't have it so easily just yet.

Summer shows: Hopefully Showcase knows they need to premiere Mr. Robot on July 13th. If all the shows out there, this is the one where the main character would encourage us to download it.

Uh….lets just say you might want to hold that thought before thinking they just forgot and left in unaddressed.

With Marvel movies doing so well comics are more mainstream now. I can reccomend some if you want.

Both the Sept-Dec run and this current season are very strong. It will outlast all of us.

No that was Susan missing Rachel's treatments. Abandoning her again.

Then you should know what happened to German.

Less. Sarah was in Iceland for 2 months.

Given how fast the plot and sickness move its hard to string out the time

I'm sure some of them will come back eventually. Rumoured that S5 will be the end anyway.