
As of now I think the 4th could be The Mormons but just because they are the only other group we have.

So let me see if I have this right:

Cool door story. Glad you can deal with your foot pain.

I've gotta get up at 7:30 Wednesday. I have Flash, Carter, The Expanse plus immediate commenting to do ion here and a few other places. Sleep when your dead.

I'll be responding properly tonight but thank you!

Possibly. But how they think its good to let Helena believe she's ready to be a mother will be a mess to explain. And MK will demand some form of price because of Helena's past.

Awesome thanks. Sorry I brought up your parents sex life.

Hard to say. She doesn't have proper memory of Rachel and Rachel didn't directly harm her. Helena on the other hand was involved with coming after MK's people. MK would hate both Topside and the Proletheans. And the fact Helena's gotten away with multiple murders wouldn't be a positive to MK. Unless MK is wiling to

MK has history with both Helena and Rachel. She also directly knew at least one other clone. She may also hold the answer to a question from the very first episode if I'm right as to where the comic is going…

True plus MK has more personal reasons against Helena…read the comic for the spoilers.

This will be cool for uber fans like myself. They are hyping up the new mysterious "MK" clone to the press but comic readers like myself already know the big revelations in her past so it will be cool to see how the majority reacts to her story. For one thing, MK's probably not going to be a fan of how they are all

I know even some of the text-only discussions I look at might give my mother a heart attack and I would be shamed by some of the extended family too. Se and a physical disability is complicated, but mostly because of other people's opinions and not the conditions themselves. Check my reply to Flag on the Moon for more

I've got a physical disability and a kinky side. I'm single right now
but one of the sucky parts for me is I'll have to be extremely careful
outside the bedroom. Someone sees a mark on me and they'll think I'm a "helpless cripple being abused by his girlfriend." I could honestly get some do-gooder calling the cops

Hey Orphan Black buddy! Have you been following the Helsinki comic? Major connection to the show has been revealed. Issue is out Wednesday. http://www.comicbookresourc…

As much as we can moan about how it should have ended or just repeats the same story over and over, Supernatural is still great at meta jokes after so long which is kind of amazing.

I hope your right.

Maybe. Some are already thinking the White Dude Council are forerunners of Hydra and Red Foreman may be trying to scoop Thompson up for them.

I'm frustrated with it too. I honestly want Violet to disappear. I rarely ship but I have personal reasons for rooting for Sousa/Peggy. I'll admit Wilkes has got style and the actor is good but those kisses so early made me furious. Speaking as a male with a visible physical disability, we need representation too.

She's apparently not even in the first book this season is based on so I can see why that's a problem they have with the character so far.

True. They might be using the same CGI on both shows.