Possible. Though from her reaction it sounds like they already know each other.
Possible. Though from her reaction it sounds like they already know each other.
Octavia Muss. (Yes I looked it up).
Yes and if Anubis was used by the people who destroyed Phoebe, then the Mystery Villains who set the trap for the Cant and started this whole thing have Julie and control whatever the Energy thing is we saw in the first scene.
They have history though so probably exes then.
Thanks. In my head I knew it was Anderson, just a typo. Fixed. I assumed he lost faith in the UN after he wiped out all the kids but I guess there could be more.
I think the finale is called "Leviathan Wakes" so I can only guess either they are going to speed through it or the big event the book is named for happens somewhere in the middle.
Not a book reader but from the Reddit show-only thread some people are saying at this rate it might only do 70%.
So Julie wasn't just a rich rebel she was hardcore OPA with some level of combat training to back it up. If I'm following this right-Fred Johnson had a change of heart after he blew up the Anderson 11 years ago and became a big OPA leader. He sends Julie and her crew to the Anubis. The Anubis had just left Phoebe…
I found a fanpage that posts them, also an EW interview with the creators. There is also a comic coming out right now that readers of already know who MK really is. Want more info?
I've tried that too, it still blocks non-Canadians. I found 1 that people say works.
Good news, it's coming back so we can discuss it even more in the future!
Not a book reader. I didn't know that.
True, though we have been led to believe it wouldn't take much for Mars to try and conquer Earth, much of that would obviously be for resources.
Holy crap, next week looks even more intense! https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Thanks. So he's really dead then. I can see why it seems more like an underground thing then.
So the Mystery Villains don't feel pain from their limbs being shot off? I want to say that maybe the Mormons are behind it all, we know nothing about their loyalty though they started on Earth and they were willing to hire OPAs for their service so that makes it murky.
Holy crap. Glad you're okay. For Toronto the next few days are just above freezing so maybe it'll melt. Literally last week we had stories of people golfing on Christmas Eve. Last year was nasty cold and 2013 I lost power for 86 hours because of the Ice Storm. I like this better so far.
Don't start my new job until January, haven't been in school since 2014. Fireplace, 3DS and a book are all I need.
First Snow/freezing rain of the year. So glad I am not driving tomorrow.
Having seen tonight's Expanse episode, it's really hooked me in. The show seems willing to change things up and go big fast.