
Fair enough. Though Jessica Jones. Legends of Tomorrow and at least 1 more Marvel show on ABC plus a possible SHIELD spin-off would seem to say we are far from peak-hero.

Peggy Carter's going to kick your ass!

Drop: Dr. Ken
Swap: Nashville

What about the Bones stars and EPs lawsuits against Fox? Any impact here?

True. A couple seasons ago Jeff wanted to get rid of it, thinking it was boring. He said so on EW but Dalton and a bunch of people on Twitter told him it's fun to play along at home so he said they'll keep it.

Has he ever done that instant memory cube challenge?

Maybe a big jigsaw-esque puzzle like they do sometimes.

Or Fox or WGN or….

Maybe though Spencer can speak to a jury well. And Wentworth has friends on the jury. Also Jeremy has taken a few people out and bitterness could hurt him.

It's never happened before. I would say no so their Idols stay valid. Though maybe they don't vote again.

Maybe though they did this in Worlds Apart too and Shirin is no challenge beast like Joe. Stirring up drama is kind of their jobs and it was overly biased in Joe's favor. A wrestling challenge or something would be but this was pretty even between him and Keith.

True, but they still stuck together after the merge which is rare. the early game is biased in favor of men because of physical strength needed for challenges and camp life. Maybe if they started a season as individuals but then split them after 3 or 4 episodes we'd see that change.

I don't really think it was for Joe. They had an even number of men and women so they probably just wanted to shake things up. Had Joe won again we'd probably have drama of Spencer vs. Jeremy. Had Wentworth lost they might have gone for her too.

True, though taking out Wentworth could also work. From a sheer edit POV the F3 would probably be Jeremy, Wentworth and Spencer. Logically one of them is probably going before the finale though.

Yeah I forgot about that but it was a good implosion.

With Wentworth and Jeremy both having Idols and Keith and Spencer known for pulling off sudden challenge wins this could flip on Tasha pretty badly.

"We're all tired of his mouth so Keith, if you could write down 'Probst' that's great.

He could comment about the next CBS sitcom Probst appeared naked on too!

Probably a re vote with with the immune people automatically safe.

One World? Though it's a bad season.