Girls alliances have worked a few times, Micronesia and One World. A good season and a bad one, it's really decided by casting.
Girls alliances have worked a few times, Micronesia and One World. A good season and a bad one, it's really decided by casting.
True but they both have said it's easier to play without worrying about a loved one. Kelly especially didn't have this kind of fire before that may be partly because of wanting not to make waves and hurt Dale.
Maybe though I imagine Tasha likes being in the middle rather then stuck with one side. She could take out 1 more guy and still be in a good spot. Abi and Kimmi would be better at the end for her then Jeremy and Spencer.
If the girls stick together and get say Keith out for being good at challenges, if Spencer can win immunity then Jeremy plays his Idol. Wentworth could play hers as the guys would probably target her. If so we might get an initial vote where none of the votes can actually count!
My mother bought into and got teary for a minute so it works for some I guess. And Joe pushing himself that hard really does fit into the theme of the season, also proving how good it is when an episode with that is just "OK" when compared to the rest of this run.
I smell a 3rd chance for him in a few years, maybe Blood vs. Water with his Dad if he's up for it.
Kimmi voted out Monica for trying to start a girl's alliance and her first major focus all season was trying to set up one here. Irony! I don't see her winning because of her lack of screen time but she might get 1 or 2 of the other guys out because of this.
The ones in Afterlife would hate SHIELD for killing Jiaying and Gordon anyway. It seems most of those Inhumans that lived on the outside were finished off by Lash the way Lincoln was talking. Though they are missing Alisha who could be useful when they're outnumbered.
Add to that it's *two* lead actors plus an EP, plus a separate one from another EP!
Great. When was the last time a *lead* actor sued a network while the show was still going? It's gotta be rare.
OK. Maybe add a note in Sunday's WOT because this is actually rather unique and I for one think it should get something on top of that. I know Joss Whedon has a complicated relationship with Fox but their is something very ironic about one of his former main stars now suing them.
Well I assume Bones is pretty much over now with the two leads suing the network, special CL points?:…
Sincere or ironic "Hostages" A?
My favorite joke: "Eating a BLT with a B."
More into Marvel myself. Though neither of the Big Two is great for creators who want their stories to have consistency right now. Marvel seems to either a)Make something similar to the movies right away or b)high level writers can do whatever events they want, B-level and below books and authors will just have to…
Haven't seen that one actually. Though I do know Manta as badass from Young Justice so I can imagine. That being said I'm not even sure what that last Marvel animated movie was. I think it was that 2-shot of Wolverine vs Hulk/Thor vs Hulk. Both looked awful. But they are kicking DC's ass in live action and cartoon so…
Well technically The New 52 made Freeze a psycho lusting after an iced woman that he never met before so…the show hasn't done the worse to that character…yet.
There usually animated well, I like Under the Red Hood and I don't mind Flashpoint but other that…Oy. The whole "relationship" between Talia and Bruce is murky to begin with but that movie seemed to make it worse. Even glossing over her drugging him and his being mostly okay with it- Batman apparently wants to stop…
Still a closer adaption of Court of Owls then the animated Damien Wayne vs. Talon, cameo by Batman movie.
Still gotta air though right?