
They either have confidence in the new crop and don't want to hurt one of those by putting in POI or they're hoping POI can give them decent summer ratings with Under the Dome gone.

Summer burn-off?

The smoke cloud took Merida and Arthur too. She threw in the dream-catcher as a blanket mind-wipe on everyone in the smoke. The only real inconsistency is they weren't in the diner at the end but where at the start of the arc.

Emilie (and Ginny) are pregnant in real life. I guess it could be Dark Hook controlling her to mess with Rumple but it may also just be a way around not having to hide a pregnant Belle, it's not like the show uses her much anyway.

Emilie (and Ginny) are pregnant in real life. Part of me wonders if it's Dark Hook controlling her but it may also just be a way around the pregnancy. It's not like they ever give Belle much to do anyway.

Just a teaser they'd have for hype at Comic Con.

Pretty sure that was a Comic Con teaser before they'd even cast Colin.

Agreed but a blitz from Joe would also force a few of those bigger gamers out. If Joe stayed safe Jeremy is in dander even with an Idol. If Joe could get to the end with Abi, Kimmi or maybe even Keith he has a decent chance.

One of the friends of the show creators ran for School Trustee during the last election which inspired the Alison plot of her running for School Trustee. Guess whose nephew is a School Trustee in real life?

My point is if Joe could do an immunity blitz from here to the end that would have a fair amount of weight even against a strategist. But most people this year are not goats. Whereas if Rob had been eliminated the goats would have been on mostly equal ground of letting Rob steamroll them until he had lost immunity.

Fair enough.

See your point but had either of them lost the goats would have sent them to jury instantly.

Well once Corus shuts down Movie Central they'll be less movies but we'll all need to pay Bell for The Movie Network shows and crappy movies! I don't see Super Channel lasting when Pick & pay comes either.

Well, Corus is going to shut down Movie Central so you'll need to sign up to Bell to get the shows and crappy movies soon! At least it's only one source. I don't really see Super Channel surviving Pick & Pay either.

Also for a general breakdown and ranking of every season Dalton Ross from EW always has a list of every season and how the new one ranks at the end of every finale recap.

They film back-to-back a lot of the time, having September-December and February-May TV runs both filmed in the summer months. There is an entire season filmed before Second Chance that hasn't aired yet because everybody wanted to get to the fan voting as soon as possible. The other season will finally air in early

Probably none of these people will be on another 2nd Chance (except maybe Terry but I see him more on Blood vs Water now), since all the contenders only played once before and didn't win.

Maybe. Tasha's decent with mental challenges too.