The Real Dylan Toback

I rewatched the previous episode before this one and when Root's arguing to keep the machine open "or we'll be the most principled corpses in Potter's Field" Oof. Got me right in the heart. But it was also exactly the way Root would want to go out.

I assumed that Root recruited them during her revolving identity missions.

Along with the hackers, I wanted Leon, Zoe, and Control back for a final episode, but it doesn't look like we're getting that.

While I held on to a vague hope Reese would survive, this episode ended it for me. He's had way too much closure this season. He broke up with his girlfriend, got one final rad shootout at the precinct, let Fusco know he was a good partner, and now got some hope that others will continue the cause.

Bear is missing because having to watch Bear wander around searching for Root would lead to mass rioting.

You should definitely see an Ozu. Maybe one of the Noriko trilogy Late Spring, Early Summer, and Tokyo Story.

Ikiru. Prepare to sob.

Meanwhile Central City has had two particle accelerator explosions, a black hole appear in the sky, fifty-two rips in the fabric of reality, and most of their population is irradiated mutants. And they still have a smile on their faces.

No, he's going to go, "For some reason, this reminds me… Did I ever tell you guys my middle name is Stewart?"

Being a barista's the most important job on Thanagar.

Totally possible. I also wonder if it has to do with Zoom's "The Darkness" talk. They haven't made it clear whether Zoom is using that as a metaphor or if there's some other force out there that can interact with speedsters.

Watching the preview for this episode. It looks like Barry may be going to some kind of mirror universe, and fake Joe West is maybe the king? Or ruler?

I was incredibly surprised that his grand-niece didn't ask him "From the movie?" Because that's not how time travel works, Ray. But then again, he's part of the only time travel team ever that tried to leap forward into the future to surprise somebody.

I was sort of happy that we got Kendra flashbacks because I thought "Oh she remembers that Rory as Kronos killed her son and she will get an interesting vengeance arc" but no, she didn't remember that.

She was already on Supernatural. One guess as to how her guest spot ended.

Hardwick will announce it during Fear the Walking Dead but won't tell you when so you have to watch the whole thing.

If you look at it from a writing perspective, I feel like the only person it could be would be someone who wasn't there for the savior murder, because to make Negan a monster and the act to be horrific, it can't be seen as just payback. He has to kill an innocent. But at this point, I don't think the writers are

It's going to be mid-season finale at the earliest that we find out. Rick will just go around shouting "He killed family! He killed family!" and they'll all hang out at an unspecified grave.

So, the first five episodes of season seven are going to be Gabriel and Judith just hanging out, solving problems, getting to know some of the Alexandria redshirts and at the end of every episode, another main character will stagger back to the gates.

I was confused about this as well. Morra still wouldn't want the FBI to know that's he's taking NZT so he probably doesn't want Brian talking to them. But he seemed weirdly nice in this episode.