
After Enlightened's cancelation, these reviews are probably going to be the only redeeming aspect of this week.

Well this was a nice kick to the gut. I mean, here's a show that finally propelled to the status it deserved as the best show on television, on a cable subscription channel that used to be all about chasing after that title, and now they're going to take it away.

As someone who enjoyed the first season and have been terribly frustrated/disappointed by this one, all I can say is wow, that was a fucking awful episode of television. There were people actually moved by that final scene? I half expected Christina Aguilera's "Aint No Other Man" to start blaring through that shit. So

Ever since becoming the Ben and Leslie show, featuring Rob Lowe in the most annoying role beyond just being Rob Lowe, I had to stop watching regularly.

Hmm, I actually think Sookie is  at her most adorable in season one. Melissa McCarthy plays her with an especially joyful demeanor back in these episodes that I can't help but smile at.

Yeah, the best classic reviews on here are those that are watching a series new It's so much fun to get to live through their experience with a show, making it  feel fresh for the regular fans.

It is though. It's embodies the central conflict of the entire series and absolutely will float in and out throughout each season.

There's a certain preciousness and awkward that I both adore and slightly loathe in season one and I think it's probably exemplified the most in these two episodes. I know Lorelai herself comments on how the boob argument was a lapse in her behavior, but it still feels so out of place in this show. That and the

is there anywhere I can  watch this amazing show with the original music?

what I'm saying though, is that it was refreshing to see a  character with typically effeminate/stereotypically "gay"  traits end up  actually being heterosexual.

I'm surprised people find fault with the second episode. I've always really loved it as it gave us the introduction to so many of the show's standard comforts.

Eh, they're totally integral to the show's charm.

Season 4 is great though. Season 5 is when the show starts sinking.

My ranking probably go something like:

Contrary to popular belief, Michel isn't gay. In season four he's even shown to have a thing for Lindsay.

There was a seventh season?…

lol, let's be real, *this* is what we all think when people respond poorly to it.

Yeah, she totally shuts it off halfway through the fifth season.

This is like, the most perfect description of someone's personal relation to the show.  Whenever I get all nostalgia-ey about this show, it always comes back to that feeling of present comfort and future promise.

"Oy with the poodles already!"