
This Chick blew in '97 and I am quite sure she still blows. White chicks in America singing R&B/Blues is simply irritating, Europeans (particularly Scandinavians) doing so is absolutely atrocious. I remember Show Me Love, and the follow on single too, her voice was paper thin. This review seems to say "she's got

This show stinks
In the same way that her talk show does. It is only watchable because it is so unwatchable. EVERYTHING is about Tyra Banks and how "hard" she worked to get "Where she is" …genetics had nothing to do with it apparently.

I agree with torture of either humans or animals as long as the ends justify the means. So whether we find out about some Al-Qaeda plan… or if it provides me with tasty meals, commence the unpleasantness forthwith and forthright and…just hurry the fuck up and get me my chicken bitchtits! P.S. PETA = POOP (see

Part 3
Bill Maher is on PETa's Board of Directors? Should've guessed that, what a cock.

Part 2
I want to wear fur, to get paint thrown on me, to allow me to defend myself physically against these foolish kids. And yes, I will soooo punch out a PETA girl, maybe even do a little victory dance over her limp, dazed self. Then again, you only see them throwing paint on emaciated models, wealthy old money

My Thoughts on "Animal"
Let me preface this by saying that I did not like PETA heading into this documentary. I am a meat eater, and shall never give that up. Nature provides us options in plant and meat varieties, I know which one I prefer to be the main course.
I lived in Norfolk VA for two years. I was stationed